NLC Sightings: 2005

This page will be updated with news of the most recent NLC sightings made during the 2005 'season'. You are welcome and encouraged to submit details of your own observations to this page. Reports can be E-mailed , or, if your Web Browser supports the use of Forms, visit the Submit NLC Report page.  A list of archives    is also available.


Provisional Reports: May 2005
Observer  Location  Date  Time (UT)  NLC Forms  Max Elev.  Brigh- 
B. Ward Kilwinning (Scotland) 10-11 2145-2230 NLC?     Possible.
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Provisional Reports: June 2005
Observer  Location  Date  Time (UT)  NLC Forms  Max Elev.  Brigh- 
M. Mckenna Maghera, Co Derry (N. Ireland) 06-07 0000-0300 NLC     Image 1, Image 2.
L. Crossan Wallsend (England) 06-07 2215 I,II 05 Deg. 1 Nebulous patches.
T. Evenhuis Appingedam (Netherlands) 06-07 2115 IIb 05 Deg. 2 Through cloud.
L. Crossan Wallsend (England) 08-09 2300-2322 I,IIa 05 Deg. <1 AZI 000-020
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 08-09 2250-0130 I,II,III 08 Deg. 1  
G. Young Dundee (Scotland) 08-09 2340 NLC 10 Deg. 2 In NE.
D. Gavine Edinburgh (Scotland) 08-09 0025-0115 I,II,III 05 Deg. 1 AZI 000-030
E. Walker Conon Bridge (Scotland) 09-10 2345-0100 IIIa+b   2 Image.
T. McEwan Glengarnock (Scotland) 09-10 2335-0145 I,II 18 Deg. 3 Moderate bands.
J. Fraser Alness (Scotland) 09-10 0055 ! 25 Deg. 2 NW-NE
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 10-11 2150-2157 IIa 10 Deg. 1 Diffuse bands.
M. Heiß Greifswald (Germany) 10-11 2125-2310 I,IIa+b 15 Deg. 3  
W. Hamburg Bernitt (Germany) 10-11 2200-2330 I,II 10 Deg. 2 Image.
J. O. Olesen Ronne (Denmark) 10-11 2220 II 22 Deg. 2  
O. S. Hansen Kolvra (Denmark) 10-11 2215 II 20 Deg. 2  
H. Andersen Vildbjerg (Denmark) 10-11 2207-2310 II 20 Deg. 2  
A. Müller Aachen (Germany) 13-14 2200 IIb,IIIa 12 Deg. 3 Images.
R. Löwenherz Berlin (Germany) 13-14 0040-0140 I,IIa,IIIa,O 18 Deg. 2 AZI 325-040
M. Heiß Greifswald (Germany) 13-14 2130-0010 I,II,IIIa 10 Deg. 2  
D. Frydman London (England) 13-14 0112-0233 II,III 30 Deg. 3 Bright wavy bands.
W. Hamburg Bernitt (Germany) 13-14 2200-0010 I,IIa+b,III,O 20 Deg. 3 Images, movies.
R. Kracht Elmshorn (Germany) 13-14 2200-2245 I,II 09 Deg. 2-3 Images.
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 13-14 0030-0215 I,II,III,IV   2-3 Through cloud.
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 13-14 2125-2325 All forms 10 Deg. 2-3 AZI 320-040
J. O. Olesen Ronne (Denmark) 13-14 2100-2220 II 20 Deg. 2 AZI 320-045
M. Juchert Brandenburg/Havel (Germany) 13-14 2130-2255 I,II,IIIa 07 Deg. 1-2 Images.
J. Fraser Alness (Scotland) 13-14 0040 I,II,III   2  
L. Crossan Wallsend (England) 14-15 0000-0043 All forms   5 Bright, complex.
N. Bone Apuldram (England) 14-15 2155-2250 II,III,IV 12 Deg. 3 Strong 'spine' below Capella
F. Nieuwenhuys Den Hagg (Netherlands) 14-15 2155-2245 I,IIb,O 11 Deg. 3-4 AZI 340-020
J. Walshe nr Rugby (England) 14-15 2200-2300 I,II 10 Deg. 3 AZI 340-020
J. C. op den Dries Sneek (Netherlands) 14-15 2330-0100 IIa, IIIb 20 Deg. 3 Image.
M. Mattsson Stockholm (Sweden) 14-15 2130-2200 II 60 Deg. 3  
U. Rieth Mainz (Germany) 14-15 2100-2140 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b 12 Deg. 3 AZI 310-040
K. Wheatley Dorking (England) 14-15 2145-2230 II,III,IV   3 Strong spine below/west Capella
J. Teerink Ouderkerk aan de Amstel (Netherlands) 14-15 2330-0045 NLC     In NNW
U. Mueller Bremerhaven (Germany) 14-15 2110-2210 I,IIa+b,IIIa, O, V 30 Deg. 3  
M. Gavin London (England) 14-15 2213 NLC     Image.
PPM Hattinga Verschure Deventer (Netherlands) 14-15 2100-0230 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b,S,V 140 Deg. 3 Image.
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 14-15 0000-0215 I,II,III,IV 25 Deg. 2-3 In cloud. Sketch.
F. Ploegaert Vlissingen (Netherlands) 14-15 2100 NLC 50 Deg. 3 Image.
H. Mizee The Hague (Netherlands) 14-15 2125-2145 NLC     Image.
B. Hulshof Soest (Netherlands) 14-15 2130-2230 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b 28 Deg. 3 Images.
A. Müller Aachen (Germany) 14-15 2100-2230 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b 15 Deg. 3 Images.
M. van der Haven Vleuten (Netherlands) 14-15 2130-2230 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b,V 15 Deg. 3 AZI 330-030. Images.
G. Barentsen Lier (Belgium) 14-15 0100-0230 I,II,III 35 Deg. 3  
N. Morrison Crawley (England) 14-15 2215 NLC      
W. C. Karssenberg Genemuiden (Netherlands) 14-15 0000-0115 NLC     Image 1, Image 2.
R. Kracht Elmshorn (Germany) 14-15 2105-2245 All 30 Deg. 3-4 Images.
M. Stirland Winterton on sea (England) 14-15 2230-0230 I,IIb,IIIb,IVb 20 Deg.   Images.
S. Ingelgom Kampenhout (Belgium) 14-15 2100-0230 I,II,III,IV 35 Deg. 3 Images.
R. Westheim Oss (Netherlands) 14-15 2100-0200 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b,IV,V 50 Deg. 3  
G. Young London (England) 14-15 2150 II 15 Deg.    
J. van t' Leven Almere (Netherlands) 14-15 2130-0000 NLC 50 Deg.   Images.
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 14-15 0005-0120 I,II,IIIb,IV 90 Deg. 3 AZI 320-090
D. Arditti London (England 14-15 2200 NLC 10 Deg.   Image.
H. Andersen Vildbjerg (Denmark) 14-15 2145-2340 IV 28 Deg. 3 Photograph.
S. Wakeham Wattisham Airfield (England) 14-15 2250-2310 NLC     Bright. NNW
J. Abbott Rivenhall (England) 14-15 2145-2230 II 13 Deg. 2  
P. Parviainen Kustavi (Finland) 14-15 2245 I,IIa   2  
T. Evenhuis Appingedam (Netherlands) 14-15 2045-0030 I,IIa+b,IIIb,O 30 3-4 AZI 280-020
L. Crossan Wallsend (England) 15-16 2220-2326 I,II   2-3 AZI 350-010
M. Mattsson Stockholm (Sweden) 15-16 2130-2300 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b 90 Deg. 4  
B. H. Granslo Fjellhamar (Norway) 15-16 2240-0000 II,III,IV 60 Deg. 2-3 AZI 300-060
H. Andersen Vildbjerg (Denmark) 15-16 2215-2245 II 11 Deg. 1 AZI 000-020
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 15-16 2235-0025 I,IIb,IIIb 07 Deg. 3 AZI 330-040
J. O. Olesen Ronne (Denmark) 15-16 2200-2245 II,IV,V 12 Deg. 3 AZI 310-060
P. Parviainen Kustavi (Finland) 15-16 2230 I,IIb 90 Deg. 1-5 W-E
G. Young Dundee (Scotland) 16-17 2200 NLC     In cloud.
M. Heiß Greifswald (Germany) 16-17 2225-2315 I,IIa,IIIa 10 Deg. 3  
J. Rubin Adak, Alaska (USA) 16-17 0900-1030 II,IIIa   2 Airborne, 41,000'
J. Brausch Glen Ullin, ND (USA) 18-19 0350-0430 II,IV 09 Deg.   AZI 325-003. Images: 1, 2.
R. Roesch Atlantic (Airborne) 18-19 0700 NLC     Images:  1, 2.
T. McEwan Glengarnock (Scotland) 19-20 2205-2236 II 20 Deg. 3 Through cloud.
K. Kaiser Schlaegl (Austria) 19-20 2040-2310 I,II,III 05 Deg. 1 From Lat: 48 Deg. 38'
J. C. op den Dries Sneek (Netherlands) 19-20 2120-2300 IIa,IIIb 20 Deg. 4 Images.
W. Hamburg Bernitt (Germany) 19-20 2115-2300 IIa+b,IIIa 30 Deg. 2 Images.
U. Mueller Bremerhaven (Germany) 19-20 2100-2240 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b 25 Deg. 3 AZI 290-045
A. de Boer Utrecht (Netherlands) 19-20 2342-2347 NLC 20 Deg.   Images.
M. Gavin London (England) 19-20   NLC     Image.
D. Arditti London (England) 19-20 2230 NLC     Image.
A. Müller Aachen (Germany) 19-20 2100-0200 All forms 20 Deg. 4 Images and movie.
M. Mckenna Maghera, (N. Ireland) 19-20 0000-0330 IV 10 Deg. 4 Images: 1, 2, 3.
R. Westheim Oss (Netherlands) 19-20 2100-2230 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b 20 Deg. 3 NW-N
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 19-20 2145-2355 IIb 40 Deg. 2 Images
M. Heiß Greifswald (Germany) 19-20 2115-0125 IIa+b,IIIa 25 Deg. 3  
J. Rendtel Marquardt (Germany) 19-20 2120-2150 IIb, IVb 08 Deg. 3  
W. Mysliwetz Zoetermeer (Netherlands) 19-20 2136-2336 NLC     Images.
P. P. Hattinga Verschure Deventer (Netherlands) 19-20 2055-0110 I,II,III 12 Deg. 3-4 Image.
E. C. Karssenberg Genemuiden (Netherlands) 19-20   NLC     Image.
J. Abbott Rivenhall (England) 19-20 2130-2230 I,III 12 Deg. 2 Images.
O. Nielsen Rijswijk (Nertherlands) 19-20 2150-2200 NLC 15 Deg. 3-4 Images: 1, 2.
S. Ingelgom Kampenhout (Belgium) 19-20 2100-0115 I,II,III 20 Deg. 3 Images.
A. Knöfel Chemnitz->Dresden (Germany) 19-20 2130-2155 IIb 06 Deg. 3  
R. Kracht Elmshorn (Germany) 19-20 2100-2250 I,II,III,O 25 Deg. 3-4 Images.
R. Johnson Ewell (England) 19-20 2203 NLC      
M. Daly Ruislip (England) 19-20 2140 NLC      
J. O. Olesen Ronne (Denmark) 19-20 2200-2245 II 22 Deg. 2 AZI 310-060
H. Andersen Vildbjerg (Denmark) 19-20 2250-2345 II 11 Deg. 2  
O. S. Hansen Kolvra (Denmark) 19-20 2345 II 11 Deg. 1  
D. Gavine & G. Rule Edinburgh (Scotland) 19-20 2225-2310 II,III most sky 2-3 W-NE
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 19-20 2235-0115 I,II,III 45 Deg. 2 In cloud.
W. Samson Dundee (Scotland) 19-20 2200 II     NW-N
G. Young Carnoustie (Scotland) 19-20 2300 NLC 20 Deg.   Bright knot.
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 19-20 2050-0005 I,II,IIIa+b,V 40 Deg. 2-3 Images.
D. McConnell Prestwick (Scotland) 19-20   NLC      
M. van der Haven Vleuten (Netherlands) 19-20 2125-2245 I,IIa,III 16 Deg. 3 AZI 320-360. Images.
B. Whittaker Victoria BC (Canada) 19-20 1041-1046 II? 90 Deg. 1 Possible.
I. Brantingham Banff (Scotland) 19-20 2330 III 05 Deg. 2 Through cloud.
R. Kuschnik Braunschweig (Germany) 19-20 2100 II 18 Deg. 2 Website.
M. Juchert Moetzow (Germany) 19-20 2055-2200 IIb,IIIa 11 Deg. 3 Images.
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 19-20 2150-2255 I,IIa,IIIb 10 Deg. 1-3 Images.
P. Parviainen Kustavi (Finland) 19-20 2230 I,IIb 10 Deg. 2 AZI 310-070
N. M. Macnaughtan Aberfeldy (Scotland) 19-20 2100-2200 II     Extensive, NW-SE
T. Evenhuis Appingedam (Netherlands) 19-20 2100-2300 I,IIa+b,III 15 Deg. 4 AZI 280-000
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 19-20 0600 I,II 15 Deg. 2  
A. Knöfel Lindenberg (Germany) 20-21 2117-2135 II 05 Deg. 2 AZI 290-310
L. Crossan Wallsend (England) 20-21 2240-2300 NLC 15 Deg. 2 Cirrus, moonlight.
J. Saucier Great Falls, Montana (USA) 20-21 0955-1035 II,IIb,III,IIIb 30 Deg. 3 AZI 330-050
B. Whittaker Churchill, Manitoba (Canada) 20-21 0430-0625 II,III,IV 160 Deg. 4 Airborne, 35,000'. Website .
J. Rendtel Marquardt (Germany) 20-21 0020-0035 IIb 20 Deg. 1  
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 20-21 0615-0700 I,IIa+b,IIIa 10 Deg. 3  
N. Bone Apuldram (England) 22-23 2155-2255 II,III 10 Deg. 1-2 Image.
A. Müller Aachen (Germany) 22-23 2200-2300 II 10 Deg. 1 Images.
M. Gavin London (England) 22-23   NLC     Images.
P. P. Hattinga Verschure Deventer (Netherlands) 22-23 2135-0225 I,II,III 15 Deg. 3 Image (0135 UT).
J. Weightman Chedworth (England) 22-23 2227-2241 NLC     Images.
J. Rendtel Marquardt (Germany) 22-23 0050-0115 IIb,IIIa 20 Deg. 2 AZI 350-045
J. C. op den Dries Sneek (Netherlands) 22-23 2145-2300 II 10 Deg. 1-2 Images.
B. Hulshof Soest (Netherlands) 22-23 2215-2240 II 10 Deg. 1-2 Images.
K. Kaiser Schlaegl (Austria) 22-23 0145-0205 II,III 20 Deg. 2 Photographed.
W. Bird Reading (England) 22-23 0200-0315 IIIb   3 Brightest at 0230 UT.
S. Parrett Leeds (England) 22-23 2330-0100 NLC     Photographed.
D. McConnell Prestwick (Scotland) 22-23 0145-0200 III 70 Deg. 2  
R. Chester North Atlantic Ocean 38,000' 22-23 0300-0400 NLC     Image.
D. Entwistle Nr Preston (England) 22-23 0045-0300 II,III 60 Deg. 4 Images.
W. Hamburg Oldenburg i. OL (Germany) 22-23 2145-2330 IIa+b,IIIa 20 Deg. 2 Images, movie.
R. Löwenherz Berlin (Germany) 22-23 2140-0205 I,IIaIIIb,IVa,P 140 Deg. 3 All-sky 0120-0205.
J. Lambert Pegswood (England) 22-23 0100-0130 IIa,IIIa+b,P 30 Deg. 4 Images.
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 22-23 2215-0245 I,II,III,IV 71 Deg 4 Sketch.
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 22-23 2125-2300 II,III,IV,S 20 Deg. 2-3 Images.
C. Henshaw Bowden (England) 22-23   NLC     Images.
B. Whittaker Birmingham (England) 22-23 2146-2302 II,III,IV 10 Deg. 2  
E. J. A. Meurs Dublin (Ireland) 22-23 0100-0200 IIIb 15 Deg. 4  
R. Kuschnik Braunschweig (Germany) 22-23 2240-0205 IIa,IIIa+b 40 Deg. 3 Website.
D. Frydman London (England) 22-23 0100-0257 II 12 Deg.   Bright. Fine detail.
M. Juchert Brandenburg/Havel (Germany) 22-23 0030-0125 I,IIa,IIIa+b,IV 40 Deg. 3 Images.
P. Lawrence Selsey (England) 22-23 2150-2230 II,III 10 Deg. 2-3 Images.
R. Baum Chester (England) 22-23 2245-0145 NLC 8-9 Deg.   Bright.  Images.
N. M. Macnaughtan Aberfeldy (Scotland) 22-23 2100-2120 NLC     Almost to zenith.
J. O. Olesen Ronne (Denmark) 22-23   II, IV 10 Deg. 1  
H. Andersen Vildbjerg (Denmark) 22-23 2145-2330 II,III,IV 24 Deg. 2  
D. Gavine Edinburgh (Scotland) 22-23 2235-2345 II,III 11 Deg. 2  
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 23-24 2155-0030 I,II,III 60 Deg. 3 Images.
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 23-24 2330-0020 NLC 08 Deg. 1 Faint, diffuse. AZI 340-020
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 23-24 0955 NLC 110 Deg.   Prominent.
J. Brausch Glen Ullin ND (USA) 23-24 0917-0945 II 10 Deg.   Images: 1, 2.
J. Koski Porvoo (Finland) 23-24 2150-2240 I,IIa,IIIb 20 Deg.   Images.
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 23-24 2210-2255 I,IIa,III 20 Deg. 1-2 Images.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 23-24 2200 IIb,III   2 NE, in clouds.
H. Andersen Vildbjerg (Denmark) 23-24 2230-2300 II 16 Deg. 1  
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 23-24 0825-0955 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b,IV 90 Deg. 3  
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 24-25 2145-0015 I,II,III 90 Deg. 4 Images.
E. Simonson Scania, Perstorp (Sweden) 24-25   NLC     Images: 1, 2, 3.
U. Mueller Bremerhaven (Germany) 24-25 2100-2225 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b 20 Deg. 3 Images.
M. Mattsson Stockholm (Sweden) 24-25 2145-2300 I,II,III 90 Deg. 4  
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 24-25 2045-0015 I,IIb,III 15 Deg. 4 AZI 280-020
T. Lundström Nyköping (Sweden) 24-25 2140-2300 I,II,III 90 Deg. 4  
W. Hamburg Bernitt (Germany) 24-25 2115-2345 IIa+b,IIIa+b 20 Deg. 4 Images, movies.
A. Müller Aachen (Germany) 24-25 2130-2200 II 10 Deg 1 Images.
R. Kracht Elmshorn (Germany) 24-25 2110-2340 I,II,III 20 Deg. 4 Images.
M. McKenna Maghera (N. Ireland) 24-25 0155-0340 III,IV 22 Deg. 4-5 Images.
M. Juchert Brandenburg/Havel (Germany) 24-25 2100-2130 IIa+b,IIIa+b 10 Deg. 3 Images.
R. Kuschnik Braunschweig (Germany) 24-25 2120-2150 I,IIa 10 Deg. 2 Website.
S. Kreibohm Lake Bolmen (Sweden) 24-25 2100-2230 IIa 80 Deg. 2  
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 24-25 2210-2255 IIa,IIIb 20 Deg. 1-3 AZI 270-000. Images.
O. S. Hansen Copenhagen (Denmark) 24-25 2200-2215 I,II,III 50 Deg. 3  
H. Andersen Vildbjerg (Denmark) 24-25 2144-2150 II,III,IV 40 Deg. 3  
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 24-25 2120-2145 IIa,III 90? Deg.   W-E in clouds.
T. Evenhuis Appingedam (Netherlands) 24-25 2140-2215 IIa,IIIb 10 Deg. 2 Cloud/haze.
B. Whittaker N. Quebec (Airborne, 35,000') 25-26 0430-0530 II 150 Deg. 1 Web site.
L. Crossan Wallsend (England) 26-27 2315-0120 I,II 10 Deg. <1 Faint bands.
U. Mueller Bremerhaven (Germany) 26-27 0000-0015 I,IIa,IIIb 03 Deg. 1  
R. Kracht Elmshorn (Germany) 26-27 2220-0025 I,II,III 07 Deg. 2 Images.
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 26-27 2210-0215 I,II,III,IV 30 Deg. 2  
R. Kuschnik Braunschweig (Germany) 26-27 0050-0130 IIb,III 08 Deg. 1 Website.
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 26-27 2330-0030 IIb,III 08 Deg. 2 AZI 340-020
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 26-27 2150-2250 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVa+b+c 15 Deg. 1-4 AZI 060-080 Images.
V. Mäkelä Helsinki (Finland) 26-27 2230 I,IIb,IVc 20 Deg. 1-3 AZI 080-120. Images.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 26-27 2145-2300 IIb,III 12 Deg. 1-3 NE-E, in cirrus.
H. Andersen Vildbjerg (Denmark) 26-27 2315-2345 II,III,IV 11 Deg. 1  
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 27-28 2155-0005 I,II,III 90 Deg. 3 Photographs.
J. Rendtel Marquardt (Germany) 27-28 0000-0030 IIIa 02 Deg. 2 AZI 010-025
B. H. Granslo Fjellhamar (Norway) 27-28 2305-0015 I,IIa+b 15 Deg. 2 Images. (NLC + Mars)
W. Hamburg Ipwegemoor (Germany) 27-28 2215-2240 I,IIa(?) 06 Deg. 1 AZI 330-015
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 27-28 2200-2340 I,IIb,IVc 160 Deg. 1-5 All-sky images.
V. Mäkelä Helsinki (Finland) 27-28 2230-2310 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b,IVb+c,0 160 Deg. 1-5 AZI 270-135. Images.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 27-28 2120-2245 I,IIa+b All-sky 1-5  
R. Kuschnik Braunschweig (Germany) 28-29 2235-2237 I,IIa 07 Deg. 1  
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 28-29 2235-0000 II,III 03 Deg. 1  
B. H. Granslo Fjellhamar (Norway) 28-29 2255-0005 II 15 Deg. 1 AZI 030-060
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany 28-29 2240-2310 NLC 07 Deg. 1 AZI 330-010
J. O. Olesen Ronne (Denmark) 28-29 2200-2300 II 12 Deg. 1  
D. Gavine Edinburgh (Scotland) 28-29 0030 II   <1 Faint wisps NW, NNE
H. Andersen Vildbjerg (Denmark) 28-29 2215-2345 I,II 18 Deg. 1  
R. Kuschnik Braunschweig (Germany) 29-30 2155-2205 II 06 Deg. 2 Website.
R. Kracht Elmshorn (Germany) 29-30 2053-2343 I,II,IV 20 Deg. 4 Images.
A. Knöfel Lindenberg (Germany) 29-30 2130-2155 IIb,IVb 14 Deg. 3 Images.
U. Mueller Bremerhaven (Germany) 29-30 2130-2245 I,IIa+b,O,V 20 Deg. 2-3 Images.
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 29-30 2050-0000 I,II,III,IV 25 Deg. 2-3  
S. Kreibohm Isle Ruegen (Germany) 29-30 2030 IIa 70 Deg. 1  
W .Hamburg Oldenburg i. OL (Germany) 29-30 2145-2215 IIa+b 20 Deg. 2 Images, movies.
J. O. Olesen Ronne (Denmark) 29-30   II 18 Deg. 1-2  
H. Andersen Vildbjerg (Denmark) 29-30 2200-0030 II,IV 22 Deg. 2  
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 29-30 0900-0920 I,IIa+b,IIIa 10 Deg. 3  
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 30-01 2245 I,IIIa 35 Deg. 1 South.
J. O. Olesen Ronne (Denmark) 30-31 2200-2230 II 08 Deg. 1  
H. Andersen Vildbjerg (Denmark) 30-31 2230-2345 II,IV,V 11 Deg. 1-2  

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Provisional Reports: July  2005
Observer  Location  Date  Time (UT)  NLC Forms  Max Elev.  Brigh- 
T. McEwan Glengarnock (Scotland) 01-02 2343-0230 I,II,III,IV 35 Deg. 2  
P. P. Hattinga Verschure Deventer (Netherlands) 01-02 0100-0220 I,II 55 Deg. 3 Image.
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 01-02 2155-0100 I,II 30 Deg. 2  
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 01-02 2345-0230 I,II,III,IV 18 Deg. 2  
O. Squarra Luebeck (Germany) 01-02 2240-2320 NLC 06 Deg.    
B. Ward Dalry (Scotland) 01-02 2345-0115 I,II,IV 10 Deg. 2-3 Still & video images.
I. Brantingham Banff (Scotland) 01-02 0000-0100 II,III 12 Deg. 1-2  
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 01-02 2250-2320 IIa 10 Deg. 1-2 Images.
J. Fraser Alness (Scotland) 01-02   I,II   2 NW-NE
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 01-02 2210-2250 I,IIb 09 Deg. 1 AZI 060-095
D. Gavine Edinburgh (Scotland) 01-02 0000-0115 I,II,III,IV 20 Deg. 2 NW-NE
M. McKenna Maghera (N. Ireland) 02-03 2224-0220 IIb 07 Deg. 4 Long bright bands. Images.
L. Crossan M5 to A1 (England) 02-03 2230-0230 I,IIa+b,III,IV,O   2-3  
P. Guzik Krosno (Poland) 02-03 2130-2200 II 10 Deg. 2 In cloud.
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 02-03 2305-0015 I,II,III? 40 Deg 1 Probable.
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 02-03 0526-0630 I,IIa,IIIa,IVa 15 Deg. 3 Very bright.
B. Whittaker Airborne, Nth Ontario (Canada) 03-04 0600-0630 II 10 Deg. 1 Patchy. Website.
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 03-04 2200-0100 IIIb 60 Deg. 2 Images.
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 03-04 2255-2325 I,IIa 30 Deg. 1 AZI 015-025, Images.
P. Parviainen Kustavi (Finland) 03-04 2155 I,III   1 NNE, motion to AZI 220.
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 03-04 0600-0645 I,IIb,IIIa 05 Deg. 2  
M. Mattsson Sågen Dalarna (Sweden) 04-05 2200-2300 II,III,IV 90 Deg. 2  
J. Saucier Great Falls, Montana (USA) 04-05 0945-1015 I,IIa+b 10 Deg. 2 AZI 350-020
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 04-05 2145-0030 II,III,IV 90 Deg. 3 Images.
J. Brausch Glen Ullin ND (USA) 04-05 0925-0940 II 06 Deg.    
V. Mäkelä Helsinki (Finland) 04-05 2210-2325 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVc 150 Deg. 1-3 AZI 200-050. Images.
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 04-05 2210-2325 I,IIa+b,IIIb 150 Deg. 1 Images.
F. Melandri Uniescie (Poland) 04-05 2330-0030 I,II,III 10 Deg. 4 AZI 000-060.  Images.
P. Parviainen Kustavi (Finland) 04-05 2135-2315 I,IIa All-sky. 1  
A. Saviauk Helsinki (Finland) 04-05 2240 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVb 90 Deg.   Images.
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 04-05 0900 IIa,IVa 05 Deg. 1  
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 05-06 2145-0015 II,IV 90 Deg. 2 Images.
P. Parviainen Kustavi (Finland) 05-06 2215-2245 I,II >90 Deg. 1  
N. Bone Apuldram (England) 06-07 2158-2305 III,IV 10 Deg. 3 Very intense low down E of Capella.
J. Weightman Chedworth (England) 06-07 2219 III     Image.
M. Mattsson Sågen Dalarna (Sweden) 06-07 2230-2330 I,II,III,IV 90 Deg. 3  
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 06-07 2145-0130 NLC 90 Deg. 4 Images.
G. Gilligan Astronomy Centre Bacup (England) 06-07 2300-0030 II 15 Deg. 3 Photographs.
L. Crossan A1 Peterborough-Wallsend (England) 06-07 2230-0230 II,III,IV,O 10 Deg. 3 AZI 000-045
A. Brand Seaford (England) 06-07 2215-2330 NLC 10 Deg.    
M. Mc kenna Maghera (N. Ireland) 06-07 0022 IV   3 Through cloud.
B. H. Granslo Fjellhamar (Norway) 06-07 2300-2355 I,IIa+b,III,IV 140 Deg 3 Images 1, 2.
J. Houghton Leicester (England) 06-07 2245-2305 NLC     Images 1, 2, 3.
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 06-07 2235-2300 I,II,III,IV 35 Deg. 3 Through cloud.
H. Arentz Atlantic (Airborne) 06-07 0400 NLC     Bright.  Images.
T. Rickwood Ullapool (Scotland) 06-07 2200 NLC     1/2 sky.
F. Melandri Wicko (Poland) 06-07 2120-2245 I,II,III,IV 20 Deg. 4 AZI 295-025. Images.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 06-07 2200-2345 IIa 18 Deg. 1-2 In cloud. W-NW
J. Ojanperä Ulvila (Finland) 06-07 2230-2300 IIa+b,IIIa 18 Deg.   SW-WNW Images.
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 06-07 0625 I 05 Deg. 1
D. Gavine Ambleside (England) 07-08 2240 II 20 Deg. 2  
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 07-08 0900 I 10 Deg. 2
I. Brantingham Banff (Scotland) 08-09 2330-0145 II   2  
R. Löwenherz Berlin (Germany) 09-10 0110-0150 IIa+b 15 Deg. 2 AZI 325-350
P. Boytang Edmonton (Canada) 09-10   NLC     With aurora. Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 09-10 2235-2310 I,IIa+b 25 Deg. 1-2 Images.
F. Melandri Bytom (Poland) 09-10 2100-2130 I,II,III 15 Deg. 3 Images.
P. Parviainen Kustavi (Finland) 09-10 2330 I,II 15 Deg. 1  
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 09-10 0550-0930 I,IIa+b,IIIa,IVa 20 Deg. 3 Very bright.
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 10-11 2110-0050 NLC 90 Deg. 3 Images.
T. McEwan Glengarnock (Scotland) 10-11 0200-0230 I,II 12 Deg. 1-2 Weak bands.
M. Mc Kenna Maghera (N. Ireland) 10-11 0130-0240 IIa 10 Deg. 2 Images: 1, 2.
C. Mc Donald Co. Derry (N. Ireland) 10-11 0130-0300 IIa   2 Image.
R. Löwenherz Berlin (Germany) 10-11 0045-0140 I,II,S,V 30 Deg. 3 AZI 355-025
H. Wood Saskatoon (Canada) 10-11 0440-0600 NLC 30 Deg.   Bright.
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 10-11 2220-0145 I,II,III,IV 24 Deg. 2  
W. Hamburg Bernitt (Germany) 10-11 2320-0105 IIa+b,III 35 Deg. 3 Images, movies.
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 10-11 2345-0055 II,III,IV 15 Deg. 3 AZI 340-060
V. Mäkelä Helsinki (Finland) 10-11 2110-2200 I,IIa+b,IIIa 140 Deg. 1-3 AZI 225-110. Images.
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 10-11 2130-2250 I,IIa+b 90 Deg. 1-2 WSW-N  Images.
F. Melandri Ryn (Poland) 10-11 2030-2100 I,II   2
J. Koski Porvoo (Finland) 10-11 2100-2240 I,IIa+b 90 Deg. 1-2 W-NE  Images.
P. Parviainen Kustavi (Finland) 10-11 2145-2300 IIa 150 Deg. 1-2  
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 10-11 0520-0600 I,IIa,IIIa 15 Deg. 3
B. Ward Dalry (Scotland) 11-12 2300-0123 I,IIa+b 10 Deg. 2 Images:  1, 2, 3, 4.
T. McEwan Dalry (Scotland) 11-12 2300-0123 I,IIa+b 10 Deg. 2
M. Hampton Eastleigh (England) 11-12 0220 NLC     Images.
J. Rowlands East Anglesey (Wales) 11-12 0100-0230 II,III,IV 05 Deg. 3 Images: 1, 2.
D. McConnell Prestwick (Scotland) 11-12 2330 NLC 15 Deg.    
L. Crossan Wallsend (England) 11-12 2300-0100 I,IIa+b,P,S 10 Deg. 3 Images:  1, 2.
G. Scratchley Edmonton (Canada) 11-12 0705-0730 NLC     Video.
K. Judkins Airborne, 39,000' (Greenland 65N) 11-12 0700 NLC     Images: 1, 2, 3.
E. Walker Conon Bridge (Scotland) 11-12 2345-0145 II,III,IV 30 Deg. 4 Images.
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 11-12 2315-0230 I,II,III,IV 24 Deg. 3  
I. Brantingham Banff (Scotland) 11-12 2300-0130 II,III 30 Deg. 2  
J. Fraser Alness (Scotland) 11-12   I,II,IV   2 NW-NE
D. Rutherford RAF Kinloss (Scotland) 11-12 2250-0050 NLC 15 Deg.   NW-NE
D. Keedy South Shields (England) 11-12 0210 NLC 10 Deg.    
D. Gavine Edinburgh (Scotland) 11-12 2315-0030 I,II,IV 10 Deg. 3  
L. Crossan Wallsend (England) 12-13 2230-2305 I(?),II 45 Deg. 1 AZI 350-045
P. Hayes Reading (England) 12-13 2300 NLC     Faint.
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 12-13 2130-0005 NLC 60 Deg. 3 Images.  1, 2, 3.
M. Mattson Sågen Dalarna (Sweden) 12-13 2300-2315 I,II,III 10 Deg. 3  
D. Cantin St-Michel de Bellechasse (Canada) 12-13 0200-0230 NLC     Images.
Gilad Timrat (Israel) 12-13 1715-1810 NLC     Images.  1, 2.
J. Brausch Glen Ullin (ND, USA) 12-13 0950-1020 II 09 Deg.    
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 12-13 2120-2340 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVa+b+c,P >90 Deg. 1-5 W-SE  Images.
V. Mäkelä Helsinki (Finland) 12-13 2145-2215 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVa+b+c,P 90 Deg. 1-5 AZI 290-110.  Images.
F. Melandri Wejesuny (Poland) 12-13 2230-2330 I,II 05 Deg. 2
E. Lyytinen Helsinki (Finland) 12-13 2059-2304 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVc,P   1-5 Video (1.8MB)
J. Koski Porvoo (Finland) 12-13 2125-2331 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVb+c,P >90 Deg. 1-5 NW-E Images & animation.
P. Parviainen Kustavi (Finland) 12-13 2200 II,IIIa+b,IVc,P,V   2-4  
J. Ojanperä Ulvila (Finland) 12-13 2130-2215 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVc,P 90 Deg. 3-5 Images.
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 12-13 0505-0930 I,IIa,IVa 15 Deg. 2
P. Guzik Krosno (Poland) 13-14 1940-2100 II,III 20 Deg. 3  
M. Mattson Sågen Dalarna (Sweden) 13-14 2200-2300 I,II,III 90 Deg. 3  
R. Löwenherz Berlin (Germany) 13-14 2105-2125 I,IIa 08 Deg. 1 AZI 350-020
W. Hamburg Bernitt Germany) 13-14 2110-2335 IIa+b,IIIa+b 20 Deg. 2 Images, movies.
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 13-14 2130-2330 I,II,III 90 Deg. 3 Images.
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 13-14 2035-2200 I,II,IIIb 35 Deg. 2 AZI start 355-060, end 345-020
L. Robertson Cold Bay Alaska (USA) 13-14 0900-1300 I,IIb,IIIb,IV,P,V 30 Deg. 4-5 AZI 330-030.  Images 1, 2.
V. Mäkelä Helsinki (Finland) 13-14 2045-2200 I+IIa+b,IIIa+b,IVc,V 140 Deg. 1-4 AZI 260-110.  Images.
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 13-14 2050-2225 I,IIa+b,IIIb,O,V 150 Deg. 1-4 All-sky. Images.
M. Aho Korpilahti (Finland) 13-14 2220-2330 I,IIa,IVc   1 N-NE.  Images.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 13-14 2050-2200 I   1-2 In cloud.
J. Koski Porvoo (Finland) 13-14 2045-2225 I,IIa+b,IVc,0,S,V   1-4 Images & animations.
F. Melandri Wejesuny (Poland) 13-14 2030-2100 I,II,III,IV 15 Deg. 3 Images.
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 14-15 0025-0035 II,III 03 Deg 1 Probable, Through cloud.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 14-15 2330 III   1 North
T. McEwan Glengarnock (Scotland) 15-16 0050-0056 II? 10 Deg. 2 Possible.  Through cloud.
B. Ward Aldie (Scotland) 15-16 2300-0200 I,IIb 10 Deg. 2 Image.
E. Walker Conon Bridge (Scotland) 15-16 0000-0130 II,III 15 Deg. 2 Image.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 15-16 2330 IIb 16 Deg.  1 North,
L. Crossan Wallsend (England) 16-17 0000-0230 I,II,III,IV,P 15 Deg 4 Images: 1, 2, 3, 4,
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 16-17 2110-0200 NLC 90 Deg. 4 Images.
P. P. Hattinga Verschure Deventer (Netherlands) 16-17 0115-0305 I,IIb,IIIb,V 20 Deg. 4-5 Images: 1, 2.
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 16-17 2210-2240 II 06 Deg. 1 AZI 350-020
M. Juchert Moetzow (Germany) 16-17 0030-0215 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b,IVb+c,V,S,O
65 Deg. 5 Images.
M. Stirland Winterton on sea (England) 16-17 0050-0250 I,II,IVa 20 Deg. 3 Images.
D. Briggs Clanfield (England) 16-17 0245-0315 IIa+b,IIIa 20 Deg. 2-3 Images.
B. H. Granslo Fjellhamar (Norway) 16-17 2325-2355 I,II,IV 40 Deg. 4 Image.
W. Hamburg Bernitt (Germany) 16-17 2200-2350 IIa+b,O? 10 Deg. 3 Image and movie.
R. Kuschnik Braunschweig (Germany) 16-17 2300-0220 IIb,IIIb,IV 25 Deg. 3 Images.
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 16-17 2300-0245 I,II,III,IV 12 Deg. 4-5
I. Brantingham Banfff (Scotland) 16-17 0015-0050 II 14 Deg. 5 Through cloud.
T. Evenhuis Appingedam (Netherlands) 16-17 0155-0220 I,IIb,IIIb,O 20 Deg. 4 AZI 010-060
M. Aho Jämsä-Korpilahti (Finland) 16-17 2115-0015 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVc,P,V   1-4 Images.
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 16-17 2120-2200 I,IIa+b,O 40 Deg. 1-4 AZI 300-040 Images.
V. Mäkelä Helsinki (Finland) 16-17 2245 IIa 40 Deg. 5 AZI 030-040.  In cloud.
J. Koski Porvoo (Finland) 16-17 2100-2230 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVb+c,0,S,V   1-5 Images & animations.
K. Kaiser Schlaegl (Austria) 17-18 0130-0210 I,II,III 08 Deg. 2 AZI 340-070
B. H. Granslo Fjellhamar (Norway) 17-18 2300-0105 I,IIa+b,IV 150 Deg. 3 Images.
P. P. Hattinga Verschure Deventer (Netherlands) 17-18 0200-0230 II,III 15 Deg. 3 AZI 340-050
R. Kuschnik Braunschweig (Germany) 17-18 0035-0235 IIb,IIIb,IV 15 Deg. 3 Images.
T. Evenhuis Appingedam (Netherlands) 17-18 0130-0215 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b,V 25 Deg. 3 AZI 330-080
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 17-18 2345 II   1 ESE, NE
L. Crossan Wallsend (England) 18-19 2230-2255 I,II? 05 Deg. <1 Nebulous glow.
I. Brantingham Banff (Scotland) 18-19 0040 II 05 Deg. 1  
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 18-19 0930 I,IIa+b,IIIa 10 Deg. 3
T. McEwan Glengarnock (Scotland) 19-20 0230-0240 II,III 18 Deg. 2 Through cloud.
K. Kaiser Schlaegl (Austria) 19-20 0150-0225 II 08 Deg. 1  
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 19-20 0050-0145 I,II,III 08 Deg. 1-2 Through cloud.
O Squarra Rostock (Germany) 19-20 0120-0150 I,II,III 25 Deg. 1-2 AZI 005-090 Images.
L. Crossan London-Wallsend on A1 (England) 19-20 0030-0230 IIa+b,III 08 Deg. 1-2 Through cloud.
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 19-20 2250-2315 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVb 10 Deg. 1-2 NE, Images.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 19-20 2245-2345 IIa+b 10 Deg. 1-3 East.
O Squarra Rostock (Germany) 20-21 0115-0140 I,III 05 Deg. 2-3 AZI 340-360 Images.
D. Gavine Edinburgh (Scotland) 20-21 0125 II,III 10 Deg. 3 In cloud N-NE
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 20-21 2150-2240 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVb+c,0,S 40 Deg. 1-4 AZI 280-085  Images.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 20-21 2050-2300 IIa,III All-sky. 1-5  
M. Zalcik Edmonton (Canada) 20-21 0930 IVb 05 Deg. 2
M. Mattson Sågen Dalarna (Sweden) 21-22 2130-2230 I,II,III,IV 90 Deg. 5 Images.
A. Danielsen Langhus (Norway) 21-22 2141-2310 I,II,III,IV 40 Deg. 3-4 Images.
B. H. Granslo Fjellhamar (Norway) 21-22 2235-0015 I,II,III,IV,O 25 Deg. 4 AZI 300-060. Images.
D. Gavine Edinburgh (Scotland) 21-22 0215 II   2 In cloud gap NNW.
J. Korhonen Halikko (Finland) 21-22 2045-2200 NLC 90 Deg. 1-5 WSW-NE
J. Koski Lapua (Finland) 21-22 2050-2200 I,IIa+b,S   1-4 Images.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 21-22 2050-2300 I,II,III 90 Deg. 1-5 W-E
V. Mäkelä Lapua (Finland) 21-22 2115-2200 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVc,0 160 Deg. 1-4 AZI 230-130  Images.
M. Aho Korpilahti (Finland) 21-22 2150-2315 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b,IVc,0,S,P   1-4 Images.
J. Virtanen Ylivieska (Finland) 21-22 2210 III 30 Deg. 3 AZI 050-080, motion to 310.
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 21-22 2250-2305 I,IIa+b   1-4 Images.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 22-23 2130-0000 I,II 90 Deg. 1 W-N
T. McEwan Glengarnock (Scotland) 23-24 0109-0135 II 06 Deg. 2 Through cloud.
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 23-24 2210-2300 I,IIa+b   1-2 NNW-NE Images.
J. Koski Lapua (Finland) 23-24 2230-2245 I,IIa+b   1-2 North.  Images.
V. Mäkelä Lapua (Finland) 23-24 2200-2300 I,IIa+b 25 Deg. 1-2 AZI 330-070 Images.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 24-25 2145-2320 I,IIa,III 15 Deg. 1-2 AZI 350-000
B. H. Granslo Fjellhamar (Norway) 25-26 2200-0010 I,II,III,IV 25 Deg. 4 NW-NE.
M. Ross Oslo (Norway) 25-26 2300-0300 II,III,IV,S   4-5 Images, 1, 2, 3Website.
G. Oye Ørsta  (Norway) 25-26 2202-2234 NLC     Images.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 25-26 2030-0020 I,IIa+b,III 160 Deg. 1-5 Al-sky at 2030.
J. Ojanperä Ulvila (Finland) 25-26 2100-2130 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b,IVa,0   3-5  
H. Määttänen Pori (Finland) 25-26 2100-2205 I,IIa+b,IIIa+b,IVa+b+c,0,P   1-5 Images.
M. Gavin London (England) 29-30 0302 NLC     Images.
B. H. Granslo Fjellhamar (Norway) 29-30 0005-0050 I,IIa+b,IV 15 Deg. 3 AZI 010-070 Image.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 29-30 2025-0000 I,IIa+b,III 40 Deg. 1-5 AZI 355-065, motion to 210
J. Koski Porvoo (Finland) 29-30 2030-2200 IIa+b,IIIb,IVc,S 07 Deg. 1-4 NNW-NE  Images.
V. Mäkelä Helsinki (Finland) 29-30 2230-2215 IIa+b,IVb 05 Deg. 1-3 AZI 320-030  Images.
H. Määttänen Helsinki (Finland) 29-30 2250-0010 I,IIa+b,IIIb,IVa+b+c,P 30 Deg. 1-3 AZI 310-045  Images.
G. Oye Ørsta  (Norway) 30-31 2341-0006 NLC     Images.
O. Squarra Rostock (Germany) 30-31 0145-0215 II 07 Deg. 2 AZI 340-355 Image.
P. Parviainen Turku (Finland) 30-31 2200-2235 IIa+b 10 Deg. 1-2 AZI 000-030. In cloud.
M. Mc Kenna Co. Derry (N. Ireland) 31-01 0215-0300 IVb 05 Deg. 3 Images.


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Provisional Reports: August 2005
Observer  Location  Date  Time (UT)  NLC Forms  Max Elev.  Brigh- 
P-M Hedén Vallentuna (Sweden) 01-02 2205-2255 II 20 Deg. 4 Images.
I. Brantingham Banff (Scotland) 01-02 0030 III 05 Deg. 3 In cloud.
M. Mc Kenna Maghera (N. Ireland) 02-03 0225-0330 III,IVc,S 43 Deg. 4-5 Images.
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 02-03 0220-0327 I,II,III,IV 85 Deg. 1-2  
C. Mc Donald Co. Derry (N. Ireland) 02-03 0300-0450 NLC 44 Deg. 3 Images.
L. Crossan Liverpool-Wallsend (England) 02-03 0030 I,IIa+b,IVc,S,V 54 Deg. 4-5 AZI 000-090
T. Evenhuis Appingedam (Netherlands) 02-03 0230-0300 IIa 10 Deg. 1 AZI 340-050
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 03-04 0245-0300 I,II 25 Deg. 1  
M. Mc Kenna Maghera (N. Ireland) 07-08 0215-0330 IIb,IV 12 Deg. 3 White/green, blue.  Images.
M. Gavin London (England) 07-08 0300 NLC     Images.
L. Crossan Wallsend (England) 07-08 2130-2140 NLC 05 Deg. <1 AZI 340-015
D. Briggs Clanfield (England) 07-08 0245-0315 IIb,III 10 Deg. 3 NNE-NE   Images.
A. McBeath Morpeth (England) 07-08 0235-0335 I,II,III,IV 25 Deg. 2-3  
R. Löwenherz Irael', Republik Komi (Russia) 07-08 2025-2100 IIb 30 Deg. 2  
L. Crossan Wallsend (England) 08-09 2043-2053 I,V 20 Deg. <1 AZI 350-020  Image.
D. Vonderheide Anchorage, Alaska (USA) 09-10 0700-0845 I,II,III 85 Deg.   Bright.  Images:  1, 2.
D. Vonderheide Anchorage, Alaska (USA) 09-10 1200-1300 IVb 20 Deg. 3 AZI 040-070
L. Williams Anchorage, Alaska (USA) 09-10 0700-0830 II,III   3  
R. Löwenherz Subpolar Ural (Russia) 13-14 1830-1915 IIb 35 Deg. 2 AZI 300-050

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