Noctilucent Cloud (NLC) is an unusual and intriguing phenomenon of the Earth's upper-atmosphere. They are most often seen at times close to the summer solstice, when they appear against the backdrop of deep, evening twilights. This site provides an introduction to NLC and outlines the methods and techniques used to observe and report  them.  The site also acts as a reporting location for Internet users, allowing an exchange of information as each NLC season progresses, providing  instantly updated tables of sightings.  Visitors are invited to contribute any such material and participate in the site's ongoing work.
  • Alan C Tough from Elgin, Scotland on 2023, 06, 11-12 from 01:15 - 01:45 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, IV, ↑60 °, brightness 2.
  • Mark Zalcik from Edmonton, Canada on 2023, 06, 20-21 from 0540 - 0730 UT. NLC forms: I IIa+b IIIa+b, ↑8 °, brightness 3.
  • Eric Pollock from Burnmouth, Scotland on 2023, 07, 11-12 from 00:37 - 01:27 UT. NLC forms: , ↑ °, brightness 3.
  • Wilfried Bongartz from Swisttal, Germany on 2023, 07, 18-19 from 01:30 - 02:45 UT. NLC forms: , ↑~40 °, brightness 1.
  • Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland, UK on 2023, 06, 20-21 from 23:01 - 02:03 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, ↑>40 °, brightness 2. Notes: Quit extensive but not particularly bright display. Azimuth <330 - >040
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