Observer | Location | Country | yy | mm | dd | UT-Start | UT-End | notes |
C. Kranich | Germn | 2014 | 05 | 01-02 | ||||
Brian Whittaker | Northern Quebec 59'N | Canada | 2014 | 05 | 13-14 | 0400 | 0600 | Airborne 36,000 feet. Good view and Nothing seen |
Brian Whittaker | N62, W060 - W030 | Greenland | 2014 | 05 | 18-19 | 02:30 | 04:00 | Airborne 37,000 feet. Great views and nothing seen. |
John Rowlands | Anglesey | Wales | 2014 | 05 | 20-21 | 01:15 | 02:00 | Clear sky, none visual or photographic |
David Storey | Isle of Man Observatory | Isle of Man | 2014 | 05 | 21-22 | 22.30 | 01.20 | |
C:Kranich | Kiel | Germany | 2014 | 05 | 24-25 | 20:30 | 23:30 | Partly Cloudy (Cirrus) |
Juha Ojanperä | Turku | Finland | 2014 | 05 | 24-25 | 21:40 | 22:10 | Cloudiness 1/8, some middle level clouds in northern- and southern horizon. |
C.Kranich | Kiel | Germany | 2014 | 05 | 25-26 | 20:30 | 21:55 | Good conditions, slightly cloudy (Cirrus) on the northwestern horizon |
Bill Ward | Kilwinning | Scotland | 2014 | 05 | 26-27 | 22.00 | 03.00 | Video monitoring. Conditions good. Sky clear. No NLC observed. |
C.Kranich | Kiel | Germany | 2014 | 05 | 26-27 | 20:30 | 22:00 | Some thin cirrus in the sky but rather good conditions |
Gordon Mackie | Thurso | UK | 2014 | 05 | 26-27 | 2300 | 0010 | Sky clear except for eastern horizon. No NLCs visible. |
Brian Whittaker | North Atlantic Ocean N50 | North Atlantic Ocean | 2014 | 05 | 27-28 | 0030 | 0400 | 3:30 hrs viewing, but only N46-N50 35,000ft Canada to Ireland, nothing seen |
C.Kranich | Kiel | Germany | 2014 | 05 | 28-29 | 20:30 | 23:30 | sky almost clear, little but very faint cirrus quite mistakable for nlc |
C.Kranich | Kiel | Germany | 2014 | 05 | 29-30 | 20:30 | 00:30 | Clear sky, 0/8 |
Dave Gavine | Joppa, Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 05 | 30-31 | 23:40 | 00:20 | |
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 05 | 31-32 | 01:30 | 02:15 | 2-3 oktas of cirrus, less than 1 okta of altocumulus, slight haze. |
Len Entwisle | Elland, West Yorkshire | England | 2014 | 05 | 31-32 | 22:15 | 00:30 | |
C.Kranich | Kiel | Germany | 2014 | 06 | 01-02 | 20:40 | 23:00 | clear sky, 0/8, some mist on the ground |
Juha Ojanperä | Turku | Finland | 2014 | 06 | 01-02 | 22:00 | 22:30 | Sky was clear, but I couldn’t see any NLC's |
Wolfgang hamburg | Bernitt(53.9°N 11.9°E) | Germany | 2014 | 06 | 04-05 | 22:00 | 01:00 | |
Wolfgang Hamburg | Bernitt(53.9°N 11.9°E) | Germany | 2014 | 06 | 05-06 | 21:00 | 00:00 | |
Len Entwisle | Elland, West Yorkshire | England | 2014 | 06 | 05-06 | 23:00 | 00:00 | |
Wolfgang Hamburg | Bernitt(53.9°N 11.9°E) | Germany | 2014 | 06 | 06-07 | 21:00 | 0:00 | |
C.Kranich | Kiel | Germany | 2014 | 06 | 06-07 | 20:30 | 2:00 | clear sky, 0/8 |
C.Kranich | Kiel | Germany | 2014 | 06 | 07-08 | 22:30 | 00:55 | some scattered sc over the horizon but good visibility |
Wolfgang Hamburg | Bernitt(53.9°N 11.9°E) | Germany | 2014 | 06 | 07-08 | 00:00 | 02:00 | ๐ |
Len Entwisle | Elland, West Yorkshire | England | 2014 | 06 | 07-08 | 23:28 | 00:28 | |
Horst Meyerdierks | Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 06 | 07-08 | 21:45 | 01:15 | Some cloud. |
John Rowlands | Anglesey | Wales | 2014 | 06 | 08-09 | 00:10 | 01:25 | Excellent transparency. |
C.Kranich | Kiel | Germany | 2014 | 06 | 08-09 | 20:50 | 00:00 | clear sky, 0/8, but poor visibility, thickening mist after 0 UT |
Len Entwisle | Elland, West Yorkshire | England | 2014 | 06 | 08-09 | 21:50 | 23:30 | |
Gordon Mackie | Casteltown, Caithness | UK | 2014 | 06 | 08-09 | 2230 | 2330 | Clear skies, but no sign of any NLCs |
Tomasz Adam | Kraków (50°N) | Poland | 2014 | 06 | 10-11 | 20:00 | 21:15 | |
Tomasz Adam | Kraków (50°N) | Poland | 2014 | 06 | 11-12 | 19:30 | 21:30 | |
C.Kranich | Kiel | Germany | 2014 | 06 | 11-12 | 20:50 | 0:30 | outstanding visibility, got worse towards morning. though definitely no nlc |
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 06 | 11-12 | 01:15 | 02:10 | 2-3 oktas of cloud (Ci and Ac). |
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 06 | 12-13 | 01:15 | 01:45 | Thick cirrus 7/8ths, nice lunar halo though! |
Tomasz Adam | Kraków (50°N) | Poland | 2014 | 06 | 13-14 | 20:00 | 21:30 | |
Tom McEwan | Glengarnock | Scotland | 2014 | 06 | 13-14 | 22:30 | 01:50 | Nothing obvious through low patchy cloud. |
John Rowlands | Anglesey | Wales | 2014 | 06 | 14-15 | 22:25 | 01:27 | |
C.Thun | Bremen | Germany | 2014 | 06 | 14-15 | 22:00 | 23:00 | view to horizont to north , no nlc appearing |
Tom McEWan | Glengarnock | Scotland | 2014 | 06 | 14-15 | 22:45 | 01:45 | Nothing obvious through variable patchy cloud. |
Tomasz Adam | Kraków (50°N) | Poland | 2014 | 06 | 15-16 | 19:40 | 20:50 | |
Tomasz Adam | Kraków (50°N) | Poland | 2014 | 06 | 16-17 | 23:50 | 02:00 | |
Tomasz Adam | Kraków (50°N) | Poland | 2014 | 06 | 17-18 | 19:45 | 21:00 | |
Bill Ward | Kilwinning | Scotland | 2014 | 06 | 17-18 | 03.00 | Video monitoring. Sky clear. No NLC | |
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 06 | 17-18 | 01:15 | 02:00 | No NLCs, 6-7 oktas of Stratocumulus. |
T. McEwan | Glengarnock | Scotland | 2014 | 06 | 17-18 | 23:00 | 02:30 | Clear throughout. |
C.Kranich | Kiel | Germany | 2014 | 06 | 17-18 | 20:50 | 23:00 | lots of cirrus quite mistakable for nlc, but surely no nlc |
S. MacIver | edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 06 | 17-18 | 23.30 | 02.45 | completely clear skies to the north |
James Fraser | Alness | Scotland | 2014 | 06 | 17-18 | 23.00 | 02.00 | Sky 100% clear. No NLC. |
Horst Meyerdierks | Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 06 | 17-18 | 00:30 | 02:15 | Some cloud. |
Bill Ward | Kilwinning | Scotland | 2014 | 06 | 18-19 | 00:00 | 03:00 | Video monitoring. Sky mostly clear, some broken cloud. No NLC |
T. McEwan | Glengarnock | Scotland | 2014 | 06 | 18-19 | 23:00 | 02:30 | No obvious NLC through thin, patchy cloud. |
Len Entwisle | Elland, West Yorkshire | England | 2014 | 06 | 18-19 | 22:55 | 00:25 | Good transparency. Max 2 oktas cloud |
Tomasz Adam | Kraków | Poland | 2014 | 06 | 18-19 | 19:30 | 21:00 | |
John Rowlands | Anglesey | Wales | 2014 | 06 | 21-22 | 22:15 | 01:30 | 0/8 Tropo, excellent transparency. |
Len Entwisle | Elland, West Yorkshire | England | 2014 | 06 | 21-22 | 21:45 | 23:30 | Cloud to 3 oktas (whole sky) increasing @23:30UT |
Tomasz Adam | Kraków (50°N) | Poland | 2014 | 06 | 23-24 | 20:00 | 21:30 | |
Tomasz Adam | Kraków (50°N) | Poland | 2014 | 06 | 26-27 | 19:30 | 01:30 | |
John Rowlands | Anglesey | Wales | 2014 | 06 | 29-30 | 22:15 | 01:15 | Superb transparency to sea horizon. |
P. P. Hattinga Verschure | Deventer | Netherlands | 2014 | 06 | 29-30 | 00.45 | 00.50 | Sky mostly clear |
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 06 | 29-30 | 01:15 | 02:15 | 1 okta of Sc otherwise clear |
alan smeaton | Dunblane | Scotland | 2014 | 06 | 29-30 | 01.40 | 01.45 | mainly clear, low cloud so could be NLC at alt less 5 degrees |
alansmeaton | Dunblane | Scotland | 2014 | 06 | 30-31 | 01.45 | 01.45 | No NLC unles below 5 degrees (horizon obstruction -low hill!) |
Tomasz Adam | Kraków (50°N) | Poland | 2014 | 07 | 01-02 | 19:45 | 20:45 | |
P.P. Hattinga Verschure | Deventer | Netherlands | 2014 | 07 | 01-02 | 22.00 | 00.50 | Sky clear, 0 oktas, good visibility |
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 07 | 01-02 | 01:30 | 02:15 | 7/8 cirrus, thick in places. No NLCs. |
Horst Meyerdierks | Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 04-05 | 21:45 | 23:30 | Some cloud. |
John Rowlands | Anglesey | Wales | 2014 | 07 | 05-06 | 01:30 | 02:28 | |
Bill Ward | Kilwinning | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 05-06 | 22:30 | 03.00 | Video monitoring. Cloudy. Nothing seen through breaks in cloud. |
James Fraser | Alness | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 05-06 | 23:00 | 02:00 | No NLC in 80-95% clear sky. |
Len Entwisle | Elland,West Yorkshire | England | 2014 | 07 | 05-06 | 22:00 | 02:15 | Observations through broken cloud. |
Juha Ojanperä | Turku | Finland | 2014 | 07 | 05-06 | 22:15 | 23:30 | Cloudiness 1/8. Some high- and middle level clouds in northern- and souther |
Horst Meyerdierks | Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 05-06 | 23:00 | 01:15 | Some cloud. |
Dave Gavine | Joppa, Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 05-06 | 23:30 | 01:30 | |
Mark Zalcik | Namao | Canada | 2014 | 07 | 07-08 | 0530 | 0845 | |
Isla Plumtree | Dornoch, Highland | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 08-09 | thick sea mist clearing 00.30to01.00 then clear bright sky no nlc | ||
T. McEWan | Glengarnock | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 08-09 | 23:00 | 02:15 | Some low patchy cloud, otherwise clear throughout. |
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 07 | 08-09 | 01:45 | 02:30 | No NLCs, 2 oktas stratocumulus, some haze. |
S. MacIver | Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 08-09 | 22.30 | 00.30 | clear skies to the north, no NLC |
Bill Ward | Kilwinning | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 08-09 | 22.30 | 03.00 | Video monitoring/Visual. Clear sky. No NLC. |
Dave Gavine | Joppa, Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 08-09 | 23:45 | ||
P.P. Hattinga Verschure | Deventer | Netherlands | 2014 | 07 | 09-10 | 00.45 | 01.20 | 1 okta St/Sc |
David Storey | Isle of Man Observatory | Isle of Man | 2014 | 07 | 09-10 | 22.45 | 02.00 | Clear skies to the north. |
T. McEwan | Glengarnock | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 09-10 | 23:00 | 02:30 | Generally clear throughout. No obvious NLC. |
Juha Ojanperä | Turku | Finland | 2014 | 07 | 09-10 | 21:45 | 22:45 | Cloudiness 1/8. High clouds in northern horizon and southern sky |
S. MacIver | Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 09-10 | 22.00 | 01.45 | Virtually 100% of visible sky clear. No NLC |
John Rowlands | Anglesey | Wales | 2014 | 07 | 09-10 | 22:15 | 01:15 | |
Bill Ward | Kilwinning | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 09-10 | 22.30 | 03.00 | Video monitoring/Visual. Clear Sky. No NLC |
Horst Meyerdierks | Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 09-10 | 21:30 | 03:00 | |
Dave Gavine | Joppa, Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 09-10 | 23:00 | 01:15 | |
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 07 | 10-11 | 01:30 | 02:15 | 7 oktas of Sc, becoming 1 okta, no NLCs. |
Horst Meyerdierks | Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 10-11 | 01:00 | 03:00 | |
Dave Gavine | Joppa, Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 11-12 | 23:15 | ||
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 07 | 15-16 | 01:45 | 02:45 | Virtually clear, no NLCs visible. |
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 07 | 16-17 | 01:45 | 02:30 | Clear skies, no NLCs visible. |
C.Kranich | Kiel | Germany | 2014 | 07 | 16-17 | 21:15 | 01:00 | mostly clear sky, poor transparency up to 3 deg above northern horizon |
Bill Ward | Kilwinning | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 16-17 | 22.30 | 03.00 | Video monitoring. Some intermittent cloud. No NLC. |
Horst Meyerdierks | Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 16-17 | 21:30 | 03:15 | |
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 07 | 17-18 | 02:00 | 02:20 | 6-7 oktas of Ci/Ac, no NLCs seen at this latitude. |
Bill Ward | Kilwinning | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 17-18 | 22.00 | 03.00 | Video monitoring. Much cirrus, possible faint NLC. Uncertain. |
Heiko Ulbricht | Herzogswalde, Saxony | Germany | 2014 | 07 | 19-20 | 03:00 | 03:45 | Haze over the horizon, Cirrus Clouds, but no NLCs. |
Bill Ward | Kilwinning | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 20-21 | 23.00 | 03.00 | Video monitoring. Sky clear, no NLC |
B. H. Granslo | Risløkka, Oslo | Norway | 2014 | 07 | 20-21 | 22:00 | 00:45 | No NLC detected in a clear sky |
T. McEWan | Glengarnock | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 20-21 | 23:30 | 02:45 | Some low, thin cloud. No obvious NLC. |
Horst Meyerdierks | Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 20-21 | 21:15 | 00:00 | Some cloud. |
Dave Gavine | Joppa, Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 20-21 | 2330 | ||
Horst Meyerdierks | Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 21-22 | 21:15 | 23:45 | |
Horst Meyerdierks | Edinburgh | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 21-22 | 02:00 | 03:15 | |
P.P. Hattinga Verschure | Deventer | Netherlands | 2014 | 07 | 22-23 | 20:30 | 02.15 | 1/8 Altocumulus |
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 07 | 23-24 | 02:00 | 03:00 | Clear skies, slight haze. No NLCs. |
P.P. Hattinga Verschure | Deventer | Netherlands | 2014 | 07 | 23-24 | 20:40 | 02.10 | 1oktas tropospheric clouds |
Juha Ojanperä | Turku | Finland | 2014 | 07 | 24-25 | 22:00 | 22:30 | Clear sky |
David Storey | Isle of Man Observatory | Isle of Man | 2014 | 07 | 24-25 | 22.55 | 02.30 | Nil Cloud |
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 07 | 24-25 | 02;15 | 04:00 | 1 okta of thick Cirrus in twilight arch, no NLCs. |
James Fraser | Alness | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 24-25 | 23:00 | 03:00 | No NLC in 100% clear sky. |
Bill Ward | Kilwinning | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 24-25 | 03.00 | Video monitoring. Conditions good. Sky clear. No NLC observed. | |
Alan C Tough | Elgin | Scotland | 2014 | 07 | 24-25 | 23:30 | 02:30 | Totally clear sky. |
Juha Ojanperä | Turku | Finland | 2014 | 07 | 25-26 | 21:30 | 23:00 | Clear sky, 0/8 |
Kevin Boyle | Stoke-on-Trent | England | 2014 | 07 | 25-26 | 02:15 | 03:00 | Clear. No NLCs observed. |
P.P. Hattinga Verschure | Deventer | Netherlands | 2014 | 07 | 29-30 | 20:50 | 02:20 | 2oktas Cirrus and Altocumulus |
P.P. Hattinga Verschure | Deventer | Netherlands | 2014 | 07 | 30-31 | 20:30 | 02:30 | No tropospheric clouds |
Juha Ojanperä | Turku | Finland | 2014 | 07 | 30-31 | 21:30 | 23:15 | Clear sky, no NLC |
Juha Ojanperä | Turku | Finland | 2014 | 07 | 31-32 | 21:45 | 22:15 | Clear sky, no NLC |
Juha Ojanperä | Turku | Finland | 2014 | 08 | 03-04 | 20:30 | 23:30 | Clear sky, no NLC |
Juha Ojanperä | Turku | Finland | 2014 | 08 | 04-05 | 20:45 | 22:30 | Clear sky, no NLC |
Juha Ojanperä | Turku | Finland | 2014 | 08 | 05-06 | 23:00 | 23:30 | Northern horizon clear. Tropospheric clouds in zenith. |