2017 JULY

EJP Lewis from Shrewsbury, UK on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 0200 - 0230 UT. NLC forms: IIIa, IIIb, 15 °, brightness 3. Notes: Very noticeable display, clear "mackerel sky" patterns
20170702_nlc_s2.jpg Tomasz Adam from Kraków, Poland on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 00:10 - 02:10 UT. NLC forms: All, 80 °, brightness 5. Notes: One word: stunning!
02.07.2017.-nlc.jpg Répás György from Budapest (XIX), Hungary on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 01:20 - 01:55 UT. NLC forms: IIa, IIIa, IIIb, IVc, P, 30 °, brightness 5. Notes:
Fabrizio Melandri from Santarcangelo di Romagna, Italy on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 02:15 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: lla, 5 °, brightness 3. Notes: Location latitude: 44,092°
pano_nlc_2017_july02d02h17mut.jpg John Rowlands from Anglesey, Wales on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 02:15 - 02:35 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIb, S, 25 °, brightness 4. Notes: Azi 310-085 @ 02:30
pict2297.jpg Kevin Boyle from Stoke-on-Trent, England on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 01:15 - 02:45 UT. NLC forms: I,IIab,IIIab,IVc,S,P, 25 °, brightness 4. Notes: Bright, complex display, NW to NE, sketches later.
2017-july-01-02-0139-ut-kennedy-r.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 22:20 - 02:18 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, 60 °, brightness 4. Notes: Some trop cloud but azimuth 325 - 080. Some complex forms in addition to often mainly type III.
20170702_033252.jpg ChrisP from TAMWORTH, United Kingdom on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 03-00 - 03-30 UT. NLC forms: IIIa, 10 °, brightness 3. Notes: Close spaced waves
karin_broekhuijsen__brl1014.jpg Karin Broekhuijsen from Drenthe, Netherlands on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 01.15 - 03.30 UT. NLC forms: , 52 °, brightness 4. Notes:
karin_broekhuijsen__brl1014.jpg Karin Broekhuijsen from Drenthe, Netherlands on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 01.15 - 02.30 UT. NLC forms: , 52 °, brightness 4. Notes:
karin_broekhuijsen__brl1019.jpg Karin Broekhuijsen from Drenthe, Netherlands on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 01.15 - 0.3.3 UT. NLC forms: , 52 °, brightness 1. Notes:
p13705888.jpg Rob from Galway, Ireland on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 12:30 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: , 15 °, brightness 3. Notes: Waves
2340ut-detail.jpg Wolfgang Hamburg from Bernitt(MVP, 53.9N 11.9E), Germany on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 22:45 - 01:50 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIab, O, S, P, 20 °, brightness 4. Notes: Pictures, timelaps and panos in http://wha.mburg.org/wh/NLC/20170701/
img_2238-002.jpg Henning Untiedt from 24321 Tröndel, Germany, Schleswig-Holstein on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 21:45 - 23:45 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIab, O,P, 25 °, brightness 4. Notes: Atthe Baltic Sea we were lucky with the weather. Greatast display so far for 2017- really amazing!!
nlc-2017-07-01_02-1.jpg Ralf Künnemann from Wardenburg, Germany on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 21:25 - 21:50 UT. NLC forms: , 15 °, brightness 2. Notes: upcoming clouds making further observation impossible
nlc_20170702_0135_jfraser.jpg James Fraser from Alness, Scotland on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 23:50 - 02:13 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV,S, °, brightness 5. Notes: Extensive and very bright but a lot of trop cloud
másolat-_mg_1125.jpg Karoly Jonas from Budapest, Hungary on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 0:30 - 2:00 UT. NLC forms: IIa, IIIa, IIIb, IVc, P, 25 °, brightness 5. Notes:
másolat-_mg_1333.jpg Karoly Jonas from Budapest, Hungary on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 0:30 - 2:00 UT. NLC forms: IIa, IIIa, IIIb, IVc, P, 25 °, brightness 5. Notes:
másolat-n12.jpg Karoly Jonas from Budapest, Hungary on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 0:30 - 2:00 UT. NLC forms: IIa, IIIa, IIIb, IVc, P, 25 °, brightness 5. Notes:
imgimg_2078s2078s.jpg.jpg Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry, Aberdeenshire, UK on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 01.25 - 01.35 UT. NLC forms: all, 105 °, brightness 5. Notes: clouds cleared for 15 mins, NLC from horizon to overhead and beyond- width unknown
q1878.jpg Horst Meyerdierks from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 23:00 - 02:15 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, 35 °, brightness 5. Notes: Cloud. http://www.chiandh.eu/nlccam/20170701-02.shtml
c9c1855__c9c1867-13-images-copy.jpg Kevin Lewis from Anglesey, United Kingdom on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 00:00 - 03:50 UT. NLC forms: , 20 °, brightness 4. Notes: A stunning display with a huge amount of structure visible
andysys_20170702_032118-032155.jpg Andrea Bali from Zalaegerszeg, Hungary on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 01:00 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: I, II, IIIab, IV, O, S, P, 15 °, brightness 5. Notes: Photo taken at 1:21 UT, towards the north. More pictures: https://goo.gl/photos/ngCd6e5De3bUErdZ7
img_5419_1ostr2.jpg Damian Szymula from Mszana Górna (Lesser Poland), POLAND on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 00:15 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: , ~70 °, brightness 5. Notes: NLC visible over Lesser Poland between ~02:15 (over horizon) - 04:30 max elevation ~ 70 degrees.
James MacKintosh from Cromarty, Scotland on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 01.00 - 01.30 UT. NLC forms: all, 110 °, brightness 4. Notes:
Tony Bills from Harrogate, England on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 01.00 - 02.00 UT. NLC forms: , °, brightness 4. Notes:
Mark Zalcik from Namao, Canada on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 0750 - 0900+ UT. NLC forms: I IIa IIIa, 4 °, brightness 2. Notes: with aurora
img_5427_1b.jpg Damian Szymula from Mszana Górna (Lesser Poland), POLAND on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 00:15 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: , ~70 °, brightness 5. Notes: NLC visible over Lesser Poland between ~02:15 (over horizon) - 04:30 max elevation ~ 70 degrees.
img_5413_2b.jpg Damian Szymula from Mszana Górna (Lesser Poland), POLAND on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 00:15 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: , ~70 °, brightness 5. Notes: NLC visible over Lesser Poland between ~02:15 (over horizon) - 04:30 max elevation ~ 70 degrees.
dsc09642-panorama-2-2-copy.jpg Adrien Mauduit from High Level, Alberta, Canada on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 11:45 - 2:45 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, IV, V, S, 110 °, brightness 4. Notes: One of the strangest (shape) and widespread displays I have seen to date
Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry, Aberdeenshire, Scotland on 2017, 07,  01-02 from 01.00 - 01.05 UT. NLC forms: type 2, °, brightness 1. Notes: seen through gap in clouds
dsc5334_073.jpg Eric Pollock from Burnmouth, Scottish Borders., Scotland on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 02:00 - 02:55 UT. NLC forms: , °, brightness 1. Notes:
nlc-3-7.jpg Heiko Ulbricht from Freital/Saxony, Germany on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 01:30 - 01:36 UT. NLC forms: IIb, IIIa, IIIb, 6 °, brightness 3. Notes: The total yield of the last two nights ...
nlc020717-2156ut.jpg P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands, Netherlands on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 21:30 - 00:00 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIa, 10 °, brightness 2. Notes: AZI 320-030
nlc030717-d.jpg P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands, Netherlands on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 00:00 - 02:50 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIab, IV, O, P, 20 °, brightness 5. Notes: AZI 320-090
dsc_3102s.jpg Monika Landy-Gyebnar from Veszprem, Hungary on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 00:40 - 01:50 UT. NLC forms: IIb, IVb, S, P, 10 °, brightness 3. Notes: Best part was among clouds, azi: 340-040
dsc5706.jpg Tanel Kindsigo from Tartu, Estonia on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 22:00 - 24:00 UT. NLC forms: , 40 °, brightness 2. Notes: NNW
Kevin Boyle from Stoke-on-Trent, England on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 01:30 - 02:45 UT. NLC forms: I,IIab,IIIb,IVb, 20 °, brightness 4. Notes: See sketches for more detail, frequently obscured.
nlcsketch103july2017.jpg Kevin Boyle from Stoke-on-Trent, England on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 01:45 - 01:45 UT. NLC forms: I, II, 10 °, brightness 3. Notes: Very limited view due to cloud cover.
nlcsketch203july2017.jpg Kevin Boyle from Stoke-on-Trent, England on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 02:15 - 02:15 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IVb, 15 °, brightness 4. Notes: Focus on brightest area.
nlcsketch303july2017.jpg Kevin Boyle from Stoke-on-Trent, England on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 02:30 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: IIab, 20 °, brightness 3. Notes: Focus on brightest area, part 2.
Ivo Dinsbergs from Riga, Latvia on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 20:50 - 00:20 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, IV, 70 °, brightness 3. Notes: Through tropospheric clouds
2017-july-02-03-0149-ut-kennedy-r.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 22:30 - 02:24 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, 45 °, brightness 4. Notes: Maximum azimuth: 330 - 095.
nlc_20170703_0126_jfraser.jpg James Fraser from Alness, Scotland on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 23:40 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: I,II,III,IV, 90 °, brightness 4. Notes: Extensive and bright display.
img_0456-1wb.jpg Wilfried Bongartz from Swisttal, Germany on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 21:15 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: , 10 °, brightness 3. Notes:
andysys_20170703_032757.jpg Andrea Bali from Zalaegerszeg, Hungary on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 01:00 - 02:00 UT. NLC forms: I, II, IIIab, 8 °, brightness 2. Notes: Photo taken at 1:27 UT, towards the north.
karin_broekhuijsen__brl1109.jpg Karin Broekhuijsen from Denthe, Netherlands on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 23.00 - 04.45 UT. NLC forms: , 52 °, brightness 5. Notes: during the whole night we saw NLC
nlc.jpg Pavol Gajdos from Lubietova, Slovensko on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 00:50 - 01:50 UT. NLC forms: II, 10 °, brightness 4. Notes:
Mark Zalcik from Namao, Canada on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 0830 - 0900+ UT. NLC forms: I IIa, 3 °, brightness 1. Notes:
q1951.jpg Horst Meyerdierks from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 22:30 - 02:15 UT. NLC forms: II, 20 °, brightness 5. Notes: Through cloud. http://www.chiandh.eu/nlccam/20170702-03.shtml
img_8264.jpg Adrien Mauduit from High Level, Alberta, Canada on 2017, 07,  02-03 from 11:30 - 12:30 UT. NLC forms: II, III, IV, S, V, 90 °, brightness 5. Notes:
Bernard Burton from Wokingham, England on 2017, 07,  03-04 from 2155 - 2220 UT. NLC forms: I, III, 9 °, brightness 2. Notes:
dsc6111.jpg Tanel Kindsigo from Tartu, Estonia on 2017, 07,  03-04 from 21:15 - 23:00 UT. NLC forms: , 15 °, brightness 1. Notes: W<->NNE
2017_0703_2140utc_11.jpg George Anderson from Wokingham, England, UK on 2017, 07,  03-04 from 21:35 - 22:25 UT. NLC forms: II, III, 15 °, brightness 2. Notes: Az=315° - 015°. El=15° later 10°. Interference from moonlit Cirrus.
meadows_20170703_2150ut.jpg Peter Meadows from Chelmsford, Essex, England on 2017, 07,  03-04 from 21:35 - 22:20 UT. NLC forms: II, III, 20 °, brightness 3. Notes: Azimuth 330 to 20 deg.
Mark Zalcik from Namao, Canada on 2017, 07,  03-04 from 0645 - 0900+ UT. NLC forms: I IIa+b IIIa+b, 3 °, brightness 3. Notes:
Mark Zalcik from Namao, Canada on 2017, 07,  04-05 from 0900 - UT. NLC forms: I IIa, 2 °, brightness 1. Notes:
1-panorama-3-copy.jpg Adrien Mauduit from High Level, AB, Canada on 2017, 07,  04-05 from 11:45 - 2:45 UT. NLC forms: I, II, 50 °, brightness 4. Notes: Filament-like bands on top of thunderstorms
nlc-2017-07-06.jpg Heiko Ulbricht from Herzogswalde/Saxony, Germany on 2017, 07,  05-06 from 00:45 - 01:10 UT. NLC forms: I, IIa, IIb, 4 °, brightness 1. Notes: Almost only photographically ascertainable…
dsc6114.jpg Tanel Kindsigo from Tartu, Estonia on 2017, 07,  05-06 from 21:15 - 23:00 UT. NLC forms: , 5 °, brightness 2. Notes:
Mark Zalcik from Namao, Canada on 2017, 07,  05-06 from 0540 - 0900+ UT. NLC forms: I IIa IIIa, 8 °, brightness 2. Notes:
low.jpg Adrien Mauduit from High Level, Alberta, Canada on 2017, 07,  05-06 from 11:45 - 03:00 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, IV, V, S, 120 °, brightness 5. Notes: The most power display of this year with a stunning elevation, 2 displays on top of each other!
lo2.jpg Adrien Mauduit from High Level, Alberta, Canada on 2017, 07,  05-06 from 11:45 - 3:00 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, IV, V, S, 120 °, brightness 5. Notes:
lo3.jpg Adrien Mauduit from High Level, Alberta, Canada on 2017, 07,  05-06 from 11:45 - 3:00 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, IV, V, S, 120 °, brightness 5. Notes:
nlc_20170707_0053_jfraser.jpg James Fraser from Alness, Scotland on 2017, 07,  06-07 from 00:50 - 01:15 UT. NLC forms: NLC, 10 °, brightness 1. Notes: Low in NNE in a small cloud gap.
imgimg_20952095s.jpg.jpg Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry, Aberdeenshire, Scotland on 2017, 07,  06-07 from 00.45 - 01.00 UT. NLC forms: type 2, 10 °, brightness 1. Notes: seen through gap in clouds
Mark Zalcik from Namao, Canada on 2017, 07,  06-07 from 0645 - 0900 UT. NLC forms: IIa IIIa, 2 °, brightness 2. Notes:
lo4.jpg Adrien Mauduit from High Level, Alberta, Canada on 2017, 07,  06-07 from 11:30 - 2:30 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, IV, V, S, 70 °, brightness 5. Notes:
lo5.jpg Adrien Mauduit from Alberta, Canada on 2017, 07,  06-07 from 11:30 - 2:30 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, IV, V, S, 70 °, brightness 5. Notes:
dsc6125.jpg Tanel Kindsigo from Tartu, Estonia on 2017, 07,  07-08 from 21:00 - 22:40 UT. NLC forms: , 15 °, brightness 2. Notes: NW
q2299.jpg Horst Meyerdierks from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2017, 07,  07-08 from 00:30 - 00:45 UT. NLC forms: I, 7 °, brightness 3. Notes: Through cloud. http://www.chiandh.eu/nlccam/20170707-08.shtml
nlc_july09d01h23mut.jpg John Rowlands from Anglesey, Wales on 2017, 07,  08-09 from 01:05 - 01:40 UT. NLC forms: IIb, IIIab, 8 °, brightness 4. Notes: In full moonlight.
nlc-09-07-17.jpg James Akrill from Glentham, England on 2017, 07,  08-09 from 01:05 - 02:15 UT. NLC forms: , 8 °, brightness 3. Notes:
img_7370_.jpg A.Abeln from Ahlhorn/Großenkneten, Germany on 2017, 07,  08-09 from 23:11 - 01:47 UT. NLC forms: , 8 °, brightness 2. Notes:
0045ut.jpg Wolfgang Hamburg from Bernitt(MVP, 53.9N 11.9E), Germany on 2017, 07,  08-09 from 22:50 - 01:00 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIab, 12 °, brightness 2. Notes: AZI: 350-060, panos, pictures & timelapse see http://wha.mburg.org/wh/NLC/20170708/
img_2423.jpg Henning Untiedt from Hohenfelde Beach; 54.32N; 10.55 E, Germany on 2017, 07,  09-10 from 21.45 - 00:00 UT. NLC forms: IIab; IIIab; Azi: 350-20, °, brightness 2. Notes: Faint and stable NLC-Display low above the northern horizon of the Baltic Sea. Vanishing at 0:00 UTC
imgimg_21132113s.jpg.jpg Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry, Aberdeenshire, Scotland on 2017, 07,  09-10 from 23.30 - 01.30 UT. NLC forms: types 1,2,3, 15 °, brightness 2. Notes: was still going at 01.30 when I packed in
nlc-2017-07-12.jpg Heiko Ulbricht from Börnchen/Saxony, Germany on 2017, 07,  11-12 from 01:20 - 01:40 UT. NLC forms: II, IIab, III, IIIa, O, 7 °, brightness 3. Notes: After a very long time a NLC-display again over Saxony…
panorama-2017-07-12.jpg Heiko Ulbricht from Börnchen/Saxony, Germany on 2017, 07,  11-12 from 01:20 - 01:40 UT. NLC forms: II, IIab, III, IIIa, O, 7 °, brightness 3. Notes: After a very long time a NLC-display again over Saxony…
20170712_nlc_s1.jpg Tomasz Adam from Kraków, Poland on 2017, 07,  11-12 from 01:00 - 01:30 UT. NLC forms: IIa, 6 °, brightness 1. Notes:
Bill Ward from Kilwinning, Scotland on 2017, 07,  11-12 from 00:30 - 00:50 UT. NLC forms: NLC, 5 °, brightness 2. Notes: NLC seen on CCTV video system, few bands very low (barely in frame).
dsc_0517.jpg Kairo Kiitsak from Simuna, Estonia on 2017, 07,  12-13 from 21:30 - 22:40 UT. NLC forms: IIa, IIb, IIIa, IIIab, 45 °, brightness 2. Notes:
Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland on 2017, 07,  12-13 from 00:48 - 01:49 UT. NLC forms: II, 25 °, brightness 1. Notes: Faint NLC at 350 azimuth, 0048 UT, then 022 at 0134 UT extending east beyond range of set camera.
Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland on 2017, 07,  15-16 from 00:07 - 01:34 UT. NLC forms: II, 10 °, brightness 2. Notes: Seen in trop gaps and in low gap between houses at around 025 azimuth.
Wolfgang Hamburg from Bernitt(MVP, 53.9N 11.9E), Germany on 2017, 07,  15-16 from 23:50 - 01:30 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIab, 13 °, brightness 3. Notes: AZI: 340-045; Pixels: http://wha.mburg.org/wh/NLC/20170715/
D. Buczynski from Tarbatness, Scotland on 2017, 07,  15-16 from 01:09 - 01:29 UT. NLC forms: NLC, 25 °, brightness 2. Notes: Through cloud.
q2961.jpg Horst Meyerdierks from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2017, 07,  15-16 from 23:00 - 02:00 UT. NLC forms: I,II, 10 °, brightness 3. Notes: Through cloud. http://www.chiandh.eu/nlccam/20170715-16.shtml
dsc_07271.jpg Kairo Kiitsak from Simuna, Estonia on 2017, 07,  16-17 from 21:35 - 22:00 UT. NLC forms: , 10 °, brightness 1. Notes:
img_3245-1.jpg Henning Untiedt from Hohenfelde Beach; 54.32N; 10.55 E, Germany on 2017, 07,  16-17 from 21:30 - 23:30 UT. NLC forms: IIab; IIIab, °, brightness 4. Notes: Azimut: 355°-35°; bright display at local midnight; at 22:16 UTC with faint aurora above
Mark Zalcik from Namao, Canada on 2017, 07,  16-17 from 0900 - 0915 UT. NLC forms: I, 3 °, brightness 2. Notes:
20170717_nlc_s1.jpg Tomasz Adam from Kraków, Poland on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 19:50 - 20:30 UT. NLC forms: I, IIa, S, 10 °, brightness 2. Notes: Azi 260-320
andysys_20170717_221904.jpg Andrea Bali from Zalaegerszeg, Hungary on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 20:10 - 20:40 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, 7 °, brightness 2. Notes: Photo taken at 20:19 UT, towards the northwest.
nlc-2017-07-17.jpg Heiko Ulbricht from Herzogswalde, Saxony, Germany on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 20:26 - 21:15 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIab, S, P, V, 8 °, brightness 2. Notes: Richly structured. Remarkable were two very long NLC-lines!
nlc_20170718_0045_actough.jpg Alan C Tough from Hopeman, Moray, Scotland, Scotland on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 23:30 - 01:30 UT. NLC forms: I,II,III,IV, 22 °, brightness 4. Notes: A nice, bright display but not very extensive.
nlc_2017july18d01h55mut.jpg John Rowlands from Anglesey, Wales on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 01:00 - 02:20 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIa, IVa, O, S, 09 °, brightness 4. Notes: Azi @ 02:45UT: 335-048
comp_lr-6624.jpg Mathias Hoecker from 52.02°N 8.07° E, Germany on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 20:48 - 21:17 UT. NLC forms: I, IIa, IIb, IIIb, 35 °, brightness 2. Notes: Initially difficult to disitinguish from incoming high Cirrus fields
nlc18july2017.jpg Kevin Boyle from Stoke-on-Trent, England on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 02:00 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: II, 5 °, brightness 2. Notes: Faint form on west side of twilight arch (N), see sketch above.
Len Entwisle from Elland,West Yorks, England on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 02:10 - 02:40 UT. NLC forms: II, 6 °, brightness 3. Notes:
2017-july-17-18-0204-ut-kennedy.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 23:16 - 02:19 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, 33 °, brightness 3. Notes: Elevation 8 degrees until 0150UT then to 33 degrees at 045 azimuth. Maximum azimuth 325 - 060
nlc_20170718_0145_jfraser.jpg James Fraser from Alness, Scotland on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 23:40 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, 25 °, brightness 3. Notes: NNW - ENE
dsc_4330.jpg Monika Landy-Gyebnar from Veszprem, Hungary on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 20:00 - UT. NLC forms: IIa, IIb, 5 °, brightness 2. Notes: Azi: 310 - 020 at the beginning, but it soon collapsed and faded
dsc6292-pano.jpg Tanel Kindsigo from Tartu, Estonia on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 21:15 - 23:00 UT. NLC forms: , 20 °, brightness 3. Notes: N<->NNW
dsc_0765nlc.jpg Kairo Kiitsak from Simuna, Estonia on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 21:15 - 23:00 UT. NLC forms: IIa, IIb, III, 20 °, brightness 3. Notes:
img_2134s.jpg.jpg Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry, Aberdeenshire, Scotland on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 23.00 - 01.30 UT. NLC forms: 1,2,3, 20 °, brightness 3. Notes:
D. Buczynski from Tarbatness, Scotland on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 00:00 - 01:42 UT. NLC forms: NLC, 50 °, brightness 2. Notes: Spanning 180 degree in azimuth.
q3205.jpg Horst Meyerdierks from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2017, 07,  17-18 from 23:15 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: I,II,III,IV, 23 °, brightness 4. Notes: http://www.chiandh.eu/nlccam/20170717-18.shtml
nlc_20170719_0101_jfraser.jpg James Fraser from Alness, Scotland on 2017, 07,  18-19 from 23:15 - 02:15 UT. NLC forms: I,II,III,IV, 15 °, brightness 2. Notes: NW-NE A quiet display which gradually faded.
img_2138s.jpg.jpg Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry, Aberdeenshire, Scotland on 2017, 07,  18-19 from 22.30 - 01.00 UT. NLC forms: 2,3, 10 °, brightness 1. Notes:
q3251.jpg Horst Meyerdierks from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2017, 07,  18-19 from 22:45 - 01:45 UT. NLC forms: I,IV, 8 °, brightness 2. Notes: http://www.chiandh.eu/nlccam/20170718-19.shtml
dsc6297-panorama.jpg Tanel Kindsigo from Tartu, Estonia on 2017, 07,  19-20 from 21:10 - 00:00 UT. NLC forms: , 70 °, brightness 3. Notes:
dsc_0900.jpg Kairo Kiitsak from Papsaare, Estonia on 2017, 07,  19-20 from 20:20 - 21:00 UT. NLC forms: IIa, IIb, III, 70 °, brightness 3. Notes:
2017-july-20-21-0205-ut-kennedy.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland on 2017, 07,  20-21 from 23:17 - 02:20 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, 25 °, brightness 1. Notes: Faint. starting at 348 azimuth at 2317 and spreading east to >033 azimuth and 25 degrees elevation.
T. McEwan from Dalry, Scotland on 2017, 07,  20-21 from 22:45 - 23:05 UT. NLC forms: I,II, 6 °, brightness 1. Notes: AZI 010-020. Weak. Through low patchy cloud.
Bill Ward from Kilwinning, Scotland on 2017, 07,  20-21 from 01:00 - 01:30 UT. NLC forms: II, 5 °, brightness 2. Notes: Several distinct bands, possibly some fainter structure. Very low.
q3478.jpg Horst Meyerdierks from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2017, 07,  20-21 from 23:00 - 02:15 UT. NLC forms: I,II,IV, 3 °, brightness 3. Notes: Through cloud. http://www.chiandh.eu/nlccam/20170720-21.shtml
Mark Zalcik from Namao, Canada on 2017, 07,  22-23 from 0950 - 0950 UT. NLC forms: IIa, IIIa, 6 °, brightness 1. Notes:
Mark Zalcik from Namao, Canada on 2017, 07,  24-25 from 0600 - 0945 UT. NLC forms: I, IIa, IIIa, 3 °, brightness 3. Notes:
dsc6330-pano.jpg Tanel Kindsigo from Tartu, Estonia on 2017, 07,  25-26 from 20:00 - 23:30 UT. NLC forms: , 25 °, brightness 4. Notes: NW<->NE
dsc_1137_stitch.jpg Kairo Kiitsak from Simuna, Estonia on 2017, 07,  25-26 from 20:00 - 23:00 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, IV, 25 °, brightness 4. Notes:
2017-july-25-26-0235-ut-kennedy-r.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland on 2017, 07,  25-26 from 02:20 - 02:51 UT. NLC forms: II,IV, 23 °, brightness 2. Notes: Only seen after partial trop clearance and then in trop gaps in brightening sky. Azimuth ?
20170726-noctilucent-0016.jpg Artyom Shestayev from Tallinn, Estonia on 2017, 07,  25-26 from 21:00 - 01:00 UT. NLC forms: , °, brightness 4. Notes:
nlc_2017july27d02h35mut.jpg John Rowlands from Anglesey, Wales on 2017, 07,  26-27 from 02:00 - 02:47 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIa, S, 08 °, brightness 3. Notes: Azi @ 02:15UT = 345-045 degrees.
dsc_1176-2.jpg Kairo Kiitsak from Simuna, Estonia on 2017, 07,  26-27 from 20:30 - 24:00 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, IV, 30 °, brightness 4. Notes:
img_3636.jpg Henning Untiedt from Tröndel; 54.39N, 10.49E, Germany on 2017, 07,  26-27 from 21:25 - 22:05 UT. NLC forms: I, °, brightness 1. Notes: Faint NLC-Display low over horizon; Azi: 5°-30°
Wolfgang Hamburg from Bernitt(MVP, 53.9N 11.9E), Germany on 2017, 07,  26-27 from 01:00 - 01:50 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIab, 4 °, brightness 2. Notes: AZI: 340-015; Pixels: http://wha.mburg.org/wh/NLC/20170726/
imgimg_2138s.jpg.jpg Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry, Aberdeenshire, Scotland on 2017, 07,  26-27 from 00.00 - 02.30 UT. NLC forms: types 1,2,3, 20 °, brightness 5. Notes: b1 at first then b5 by 01.00 - 350 to 090 wide
dsc07429-copylow.jpg Adrien Mauduit from Liseleje beach, Denmark on 2017, 07,  26-27 from 10:45 - 2:45 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, IV, V, S, 20 °, brightness 5. Notes: Red Canopy phenomenon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHuqvYxR_fw&t=21s
D. Buczynski from Tarbatness, Scotland on 2017, 07,  26-27 from 23:30 - 01:19 UT. NLC forms: NLC, 25 °, brightness 3. Notes: Span of 100 degrees in azimuth
q4179.jpg Horst Meyerdierks from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2017, 07,  26-27 from 00:30 - 01:30 UT. NLC forms: II, 3 °, brightness 4. Notes: Through cloud. http://www.chiandh.eu/nlccam/20170726-27.shtml
Mark Zalcik from Edmonton, Canada on 2017, 07,  27-28 from 1015 - UT. NLC forms: I, IIb, 15 °, brightness 2. Notes:
Mark Zalcik from Edmonton, Canada on 2017, 07,  27-28 from 1015 - 1015 UT. NLC forms: I, IIb, 15 °, brightness 2. Notes:
Mark Zalcik from Edmonton, Canada on 2017, 07,  28-29 from 1000 - 1000 UT. NLC forms: I, IIIb, 8 °, brightness 3. Notes:
Mark Zalcik from Namao, Canada on 2017, 07,  29-30 from 1015 - 1015 UT. NLC forms: IIb, 8 °, brightness 2. Notes:
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