2024 JUNE

20240602d01h18mut.jpg John Rowlands from Anglesey, Wales on 2024, 06,  01-02 from 00:40 - 01:30 UT. NLC forms: , 3 °, brightness 1. Notes: Barely visible to naked eye. Azi@01:18 ~030-040 deg.
nlc_20240603_0141_jfraser.jpg James Fraser from Alness, Scotland on 2024, 06,  02-03 from 01:15 - 02:05 UT. NLC forms: II,III, 40 °, brightness 3. Notes: WNW to NNE
2024-jun-02-03-0156-ut-kennedy.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland on 2024, 06,  02-03 from 01:11 - 02:11 UT. NLC forms: II,III, 20 °, brightness 1. Notes: Seen in trop cloud gaps
nlc-20240602_3_tarbatness-dgb-web.jpg Denis Buczynski from Tarbatness, Scotland on 2024, 06,  02-03 from 00:09 - 00:09 UT. NLC forms: II,III, 16 °, brightness 3. Notes: Image capture
nlc_20240603_0043_actough.jpg Alan C Tough from Elgin, Scotland on 2024, 06,  02-03 from 00:30 - 01:30 UT. NLC forms: II, III, P, 40 °, brightness 3. Notes: Sky mostly clear at start but trop soon obscured large parts of the display.
1415s.jpg Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry, Banff, Scotland on 2024, 06,  02-03 from 01.00 - 01.50 UT. NLC forms: 2, 25 °, brightness 1. Notes: display hampered by fog and low cloud
nlc_2024_06_06_212320ut.jpg Simon Herbst from Hohenwulsch, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany on 2024, 06,  06-07 from 21:18 - 22:10 UT. NLC forms: , 7 °, brightness 1. Notes:
20240607_9696_wb_kl.jpg Wilfried Bongartz from Swisttal, Germany on 2024, 06,  06-07 from 01:40 - 02:00 UT. NLC forms: , 18 °, brightness 1. Notes:
l20240607080124703.jpg Jamie McBean from Herne Bay, Kent, England on 2024, 06,  06-07 from 02:14 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: , 20 °, brightness 1. Notes: Automatic detection from camera, brightness estimated
andysys_20240607_033839_100-crop.jpg Andrea Bali from Zalaegerszeg, Hungary on 2024, 06,  06-07 from 01:30 - 02:05 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIab, 18 °, brightness 1. Notes: Photo was taken at 01:38 UT, looking N-NE (season-opening in HU, widespread but faint display)...
20240608-nlc-0333lt-3-3002048-txt.jpg P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  07-08 from 01:30 - 02:00 UT. NLC forms: II, III, 8 °, brightness 2. Notes: AZI 340-010
nlc_20240608_0122_jfraser.jpg James Fraser from Alness, Scotland on 2024, 06,  07-08 from 00:55 - 01:48 UT. NLC forms: II,III, 30 °, brightness 2. Notes: In cloud gaps, north and north-east.
dsc_0519-crop.jpg Eric Pollock from Burnmouth, Scotland on 2024, 06,  07-08 from 01:21 - 01:40 UT. NLC forms: , 10 °, brightness 1. Notes:
Sheila MacIver from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2024, 06,  07-08 from 23.00 - 12.00 UT. NLC forms: IIIab, 10 °, brightness 2. Notes: display obscured by low cloud
2024-jun-07-08-0117-ut-kennedy.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland, UK on 2024, 06,  07-08 from 23:01 - 01:32 UT. NLC forms: II,III, >40 °, brightness 2. Notes: In broken trop cloud
2024_06_08m_0252mesz_sd14_woerlitz_elbwiesen_nebel_nlc_3218_2024hk27_2c24y_jpgoodt_1400pix.jpg Dennis Hennig from Wörlitz (51.8481°N, 12.4294°E), Germany on 2024, 06,  07-08 from 00:50 - 1:26 UT. NLC forms: IIIb, O, 8 °, brightness 1. Notes: this photo 0:52UT Az18/19°El5,8°/ later 1:07UT Az11°El7.8° / NLCs just barely discernible naked eye
2024_06_08m_0254mesz_sd14_woerlitz_elbwiesen_nebel_nlc_3219_2024da31_2c24y_jpgoodt_1130x940pix.jpg Dennis Hennig from Wörlitz (51.8481°N, 12.4294°E), Germany on 2024, 06,  07-08 from 00:54 - 00:54 UT. NLC forms: , °, brightness 1. Notes: photo 2 minutes later, raw data a bit more "tarted up", NLCs just barely discernible naked eye
nlc_20240611_0023_jfraser.jpg James Fraser from Alness, Scotland on 2024, 06,  10-11 from 00:10 - 00:55 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, 30 °, brightness 3. Notes: Some delicate structure, observation ended by increasing cloud.
2024-jun-10-11-0017-ut-kennedy.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland, UK on 2024, 06,  10-11 from 23:01 - 01:02 UT. NLC forms: III, 25 °, brightness 2. Notes:
Sheila MacIver from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2024, 06,  10-11 from 23.00 - 23.30 UT. NLC forms: IIIb, 12 °, brightness 1. Notes: glimpsed between heavy cloud
nlc_10-june-2024_2252utc_wokingham_brightnesscontrast-adjusted_img0078b.jpg George Anderson from Wokingham, England on 2024, 06,  10-11 from 22:50 - 22:55 UT. NLC forms: I, II, 2 °, brightness 1. Notes: Photographic observation only. No visual sighting.
2024june12d01h08muts.jpg John Rowlands from Anglesey, Wales on 2024, 06,  11-12 from 23:50 - 01:45 UT. NLC forms: , 2 °, brightness 3. Notes: Bright patch ~10 deg in azi centred 038 deg. Otherwise featureless b1 veil 320-043deg
nlc_2024_06_11_213310ut.jpg Simon Herbst from Bomsdorf (Möckern), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany on 2024, 06,  11-12 from 20:55 - 01:40 UT. NLC forms: , 4 °, brightness 3. Notes:
nlc_20240613_0109_jfraser.jpg James Fraser from Alness, Scotland on 2024, 06,  12-13 from 00:52 - 01:27 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, 30 °, brightness 2. Notes: Seen in a prolonged cloud gap. Some delicate structure.
2024-jun-12-13-0101-ut-kennedy.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland, UK on 2024, 06,  12-13 from 23:00 - 01:46 UT. NLC forms: II,III, 23 °, brightness 2. Notes:
inbound8604725405610092002.jpg Mirko Sternberg from 31609 , DE on 2024, 06,  12-13 from 00:30 - 01:30 UT. NLC forms: IIb, IIIb, 10 °, brightness 3. Notes:
dsf_4592.jpg John Briggs from Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland on 2024, 06,  12-13 from 00:47 - 02:11 UT. NLC forms: , °, brightness 3. Notes:
nlc_13-june-2024_0048utc_wokingham_brightnesscontrast-enhanced_img-0135a.jpg George Anderson from Wokingham, England on 2024, 06,  12-13 from 00:40 - 01:05 UT. NLC forms: II, 1 °, brightness 1. Notes: Photographic observation only. No visual sighting.
Leonard Entwisle from Elland , West Yorks, England (UK) on 2024, 06,  12-13 from 2345 - 00:30 UT. NLC forms: Ii, 6 °, brightness 2. Notes: 8 octas tropo by 0100
Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry, Banff, Scotland on 2024, 06,  12-13 from 00.30 - UT. NLC forms: , °, brightness 1. Notes:
noctilucent-clouds-13-june-2024-01.05-ut.jpg Steve Brown from North Yorkshire, UK on 2024, 06,  12-13 from 23:25 - 01:40 UT. NLC forms: I,IIa,IIb,IIIa,IVc, 8 °, brightness 2. Notes: The first noctilucent cloud display I've seen in the 2024 season. Quite a nice display.
andysys_20240613_223432_100-crop.jpg Andrea Bali from Zalaegerszeg, Hungary on 2024, 06,  13-14 from 20:25 - 20:40 UT. NLC forms: I, II, 6 °, brightness 1. Notes: Photo was taken at 20:34 UT, looking N-NW (I was a bit late)...
Heiko Ulbricht from Freital, Saxony, Germany on 2024, 06,  13-14 from 20:50 - 21:15 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIab, S, P, 14 °, brightness 4. Notes: First sighting for me this year.
nlcs-13-06-2024.jpg Heiko Ulbricht from Freital, Saxony, Germany on 2024, 06,  13-14 from 20:50 - 21:15 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIab, S, P, 14 °, brightness 4. Notes: First sighting for me this year.
nlc_2024_06_13_205644ut.jpg Simon Herbst from Buko (Coswig), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany on 2024, 06,  13-14 from 20:30 - 21:45 UT. NLC forms: , >27 °, brightness 4. Notes:
nlc_2024_06_13_205705ut.jpg Simon Herbst from Buko (Coswig), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany on 2024, 06,  13-14 from 20:30 - 21:45 UT. NLC forms: , >27 °, brightness 4. Notes:
nlc0613.jpg Ujvárosi Beáta from Vácrátót, Hungary on 2024, 06,  13-14 from 19:50 - 21:05 UT. NLC forms: I, IIa,b, IVb, S, 12 °, brightness 2. Notes: AZI 290-350, faint upper parts mostly obscured, my first obs. this year
2024_06_13_2305s_imgp0341_b_1000.jpg Alexander Haußmann from Hörlitz, Germany on 2024, 06,  13-14 from 20:50 - 21:20 UT. NLC forms: IIb, IIIb, 15 °, brightness 4. Notes: Observation started at 20:50 - NLC were likely visible earlier
nlc0614.jpg Ujvárosi Beáta from Vácrátót, Hungary on 2024, 06,  13-14 from 00:40 - 02:00 UT. NLC forms: I, IIa,b, IIIa,b, IVb, P, 15 °, brightness 3. Notes: From AZI 010 extending far to SE ending at AZI 120
Tomasz Adam from Kraków, Poland on 2024, 06,  13-14 from 01:00 - 01:50 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IVbc, S, 60 °, brightness 3. Notes: Mostly below 20° but one almost vertical band (about 5° wide) reached 60° of altitude.
andysys_20240614_032138_100-crop.jpg Andrea Bali from Zalaegerszeg, Hungary on 2024, 06,  13-14 from 01:05 - 02:15 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIab, IV, S, P, 9 °, brightness 3. Notes: Photo was taken at 01:21 UT, looking N-NE (nice display)...
2024-jun-14-15-0031-ut-kennedy-r.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland, UK on 2024, 06,  14-15 from 00:16 - 01:31 UT. NLC forms: II, NLC, 20 °, brightness 1. Notes: Very faint display seen in short gap in extensive trop cloud. Az: 350 - 030
nlc0615.jpg Ujvárosi Beáta from Vácrátót, Hungary on 2024, 06,  14-15 from 01:00 - 01:35 UT. NLC forms: I, IIa,b, IIIa, 10 °, brightness 1. Notes: AZI 005-090, faint but wide, dominated by sharp bands
andysys_20240615_031228_100-crop.jpg Andrea Bali from Zalaegerszeg, Hungary on 2024, 06,  14-15 from 01:05 - 01:40 UT. NLC forms: I, II, 5 °, brightness 1. Notes: Photo was taken at 01:12 UT, looking N-NE (just for the documentation)...
Mark Zalcik from Edmonton, Canada on 2024, 06,  14-15 from 0530 - 0900 UT. NLC forms: I IIa+b IIIa, 35 °, brightness 3. Notes:
20240616-nlc-0330lt-1-3002048.jpg P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  15-16 from 01:30 - 01:35 UT. NLC forms: II, 5 °, brightness 2. Notes: AZI 000 through narrow gap in the cloud cover
andysys_20240617_035600_100-crop.jpg Andrea Bali from Zalaegerszeg, Hungary on 2024, 06,  16-17 from 01:50 - 02:10 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, 10 °, brightness 1. Notes: Photo was taken at 01:56 UT, looking N-NW (very faint, just for the documentation)...
Mark Zalcik from Edmonton, Canada on 2024, 06,  16-17 from 0810 - 0810 UT. NLC forms: I IIIa, 2 °, brightness 1. Notes:
20240618-nlc-0319lt-3-3002048.jpg P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  17-18 from 01:05 - 01:30 UT. NLC forms: I, II, IV, 10 °, brightness 4. Notes: AZI 020-040
img_0379.jpg Terry Morris from Birmingham, UK on 2024, 06,  17-18 from 01.00 - 03.00 UT. NLC forms: , 8 ° °, brightness 4. Notes:
andysys_20240618_032619_100-crop.jpg Andrea Bali from Zalaegerszeg, Hungary on 2024, 06,  17-18 from 01:20 - 02:00 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIab, 7 °, brightness 3. Notes: Photo was taken at 01:26 UT (stayed low on the northern horizon)...
nlc_17-june-2024_2238utc_wokingham_img_8417a.jpg George Anderson from Wokingham, England on 2024, 06,  17-18 from 22:35 - 23:00 UT. NLC forms: ., 3 °, brightness 4. Notes: Already present & brightest at observation start. Fading below eye visibility by end. Cirrus present
nlc_18-june-2024_0214utc_wokingham_img_0222a.jpg George Anderson from Wokingham, England on 2024, 06,  17-18 from 00:40 - 02:30 UT. NLC forms: ., 5 °, brightness 5. Notes: Photographically detected 0040utc; naked eye visibility 0105utc; ended in twilight 0230utc.
nlc0618.jpg Ujvárosi Beáta from Vácrátót, Hungary on 2024, 06,  17-18 from 00:35 - 01:45 UT. NLC forms: I, IIa,b, IIIa,b, S, 9 °, brightness 3. Notes: AZI 320-040, mostly obscured by thick cirrus so max. elev. and AZI uncertain
nlc_2024_06_18_012222ut.jpg Simon Herbst from Kraupa, Brandenburg, Germany on 2024, 06,  17-18 from 23:50 - 02:00 UT. NLC forms: , >35 °, brightness 5. Notes: Stunning display of nocs illuminating the landscape
nlc_2024_06_18_013524ut.jpg Simon Herbst from Kraupa, Brandenburg, Germany on 2024, 06,  17-18 from 23:50 - 02:00 UT. NLC forms: , >35 °, brightness 5. Notes:
Tomasz Adam from Kraków, Poland on 2024, 06,  17-18 from 00:40 - 01:10 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIa, P, 10 °, brightness 2. Notes: Partially obscured by low clouds.
possiblenlc0617.jpg Ujvárosi Beáta from Vácrátót, Hungary on 2024, 06,  17-18 from 20:30 - 21:05 UT. NLC forms: I, IIa, 5 °, brightness 1. Notes: AZI340-350,uncertain(cirrus/moonlight),supported by webcams,timelapse: https://youtu.be/k-fpwrOUx7U
noctilucent-clouds-18-june-2024-01.20-ut.jpg Steve Brown from North Yorkshire, UK on 2024, 06,  17-18 from 23:28 - 02:04 UT. NLC forms: I,IIab,IIIab,IVbc, 10 °, brightness 4. Notes: One of the best displays I've seen in a few years. Very bright and lasted into the dawn.
Mark Zalcik from Edmonton, Canada on 2024, 06,  18-19 from 0900 - 0900 UT. NLC forms: I , 3 °, brightness 1. Notes:
P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  19-20 from 01:00 - 02:10 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIab, IV, O, P, S, 15 °, brightness 3. Notes: AZI 310-040
P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  19-20 from 01:00 - 02:10 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIab, IV, O, P, S, 15 °, brightness 1. Notes: AZI 310-040
20240620-nlc-am-8-3002048.jpg P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  19-20 from 01:00 - 02:10 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIab, IV, O, P, S, 15 °, brightness 3. Notes: AZI 310-040
nlc_20240620_0136_jfraser.jpg James Fraser from Alness, Scotland on 2024, 06,  19-20 from 01:15 - 01:56 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, 60+ °, brightness 2. Notes: NNW to ESE
2024-jun-19-20-0101-ut-kennedy.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland, UK on 2024, 06,  19-20 from 23:30 - 02:01 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, 26 °, brightness 2. Notes:
dsf_4792_crop.jpg John Briggs from Loanhead, Scotland on 2024, 06,  19-20 from 00:37 - 01:29 UT. NLC forms: , °, brightness 2. Notes: Significant cloud cover
nlc_2024_06_20_005721ut.jpg Simon Herbst from Bomsdorf (Möckern), Saxony Anhalt, Germany on 2024, 06,  19-20 from 00:10 - 01:50 UT. NLC forms: , >45 °, brightness 3. Notes: Wafts of mist moving across the fields. In magic moments like this clarity seems to be negligible.
nlc_20-june-2024_0127utc_wokingham_img_0284a.jpg George Anderson from Wokingham, England on 2024, 06,  19-20 from 00:35 - 02:10 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, IV, 8 °, brightness 3. Notes:
Leonard Entwisle from Elland,West Yorkshire, England (UK) on 2024, 06,  19-20 from 0145 - 0220 UT. NLC forms: II , III, 16 °, brightness 2. Notes:
2024_06_20m_0221mesz_sd10_m42chinon55mmf1k4at2k0_wampener_riff_02019_2024bc17bw_jpgoodt_1400pix.jpg Dennis Hennig from Wampener Riff; Greifswalder Bodden; 54.1364°N 13.4288°E, Germany on 2024, 06,  19-20 from 22:55 - 01:42 UT. NLC forms: I, II, IIIb, IV, O, S, °, brightness 2. Notes: photo 0:21UT 55mm 1,7x crop / widespread NLC better seen further south & west down to abt. 50°N
Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry, Banff, Scotland on 2024, 06,  19-20 from 00.30 - 01.30 UT. NLC forms: 2.3,4, 45 °, brightness 1. Notes: still going at 01.30 but getting light
Mark Zalcik from Edmonton, Canada on 2024, 06,  19-20 from 0630 - 0900 UT. NLC forms: I IIa IIIa+b, 3 °, brightness 3. Notes:
2024june21d00h53muts.jpg John Rowlands from Anglesey, Wales on 2024, 06,  20-21 from 00:00 - 01:15 UT. NLC forms: , 9 °, brightness 2. Notes: Full Moon. Axi @00:45 ~000-035deg. Unusual linear (wave) structure at 1deg elev by 01:00UT
nlc_2024_06_21_002849ut.jpg Simon Herbst from Schönborn (Niederlausitz), Brandenburg, Germany on 2024, 06,  20-21 from 00:21 - 00:39 UT. NLC forms: III, 6 °, brightness 1. Notes: Very faint display, invisible to the naked eye. To find waves take a closer look left below Haedus!
nlc_21-june-2024_0143utc_wokingham_image-levels-enhanced_img_0321c.jpg George Anderson from Wokingham, England on 2024, 06,  20-21 from 01:38 - 01:57 UT. NLC forms: II, 5 °, brightness 1. Notes: Photographic observation only. No visual sighting.
Steve Brown from North Yorkshire, UK on 2024, 06,  20-21 from 01:20 - 01:30 UT. NLC forms: I,IIa, 15 °, brightness 1. Notes: Very faint NLCs observed.
nlc_2024_06_23_011923ut.jpg Simon Herbst from Luko (Coswig), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany on 2024, 06,  22-23 from 00:45 - 01:50 UT. NLC forms: , >30 °, brightness 2. Notes:
nlc_0623.jpg Ujvárosi Beáta from Vácrátót, Hungary on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 20:05 - 20:50 UT. NLC forms: I, IIb, IIIa,b, 7 °, brightness 3. Notes: AZI 330-030, mostly obscured, all param. uncertain
nlcs-2024-06-23.jpg Heiko Ulbricht from Landberg hill, Herzogswalde, Saxony, Germany on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 20:15 - 21:50 UT. NLC forms: I,IIab,IIIab, S,V,P,O, 7 °, brightness 3. Notes:
Tomasz Adam from Kraków, Poland on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 00:45 - 01:10 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, 10 °, brightness 2. Notes:
Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry, Banff, Scotland on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 2330 - 01.45 UT. NLC forms: , 75 °, brightness 3. Notes: 160dg wide, most strong to the east, faded back to 15 dg high
dsc_6351edited-min-1.jpg Jamie McBean from Herne Bay, Kent, England on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 21:16 - 23:00 UT. NLC forms: I,IIa,IIb,III,V, 20 °, brightness 3. Notes: Lots of structure within the NLCs, v noticeable Type III (to N) and lots of structure in 7x50s
nlc_20240623_2159ut_meadows.jpg Peter Meadows from Galleywood, Essex, England on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 21:35 - 22:25 UT. NLC forms: I,II,III, 40 °, brightness 3. Notes: Particularly bright near Capella ~22:00UT
signal-2024-06-24-092728_002.jpeg Błażej O. from Lodz, Poland on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 20:00 - 22:30 UT. NLC forms: IIa, IIb, IIIa, ~50 °, brightness 3. Notes: Widespread in azimuth and elevation. Some low brightness parts were as high as ~50° above horizon.
2024june24d00h37muts.jpg John Rowlands from Anglesey, Wales on 2024, 06,  23-24 from - UT. NLC forms: , 15 °, brightness 4. Notes: Azi 22:45 295-045deg. Mostly quiescent, dense but diminished elev by 01:00UT
00-20240623-2056ut-dsc_1035-3002400-qua.jpg P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 20:50 - 24:00 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIa, IVb, S, P, 20 °, brightness 4. Notes: AZI 290-050
00-20240624-0302lt-dsc_1048-3002048.jpg P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 00:00 - 01:15 UT. NLC forms: II, III, 5 °, brightness 2. Notes: AZI 350-030
Leonard Entwisle from Elland,West Yorkshire, England (UK) on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 0015 - 0050 UT. NLC forms: II , III, 10 °, brightness 2. Notes:
2024-jun-23-24-0016-ut-kennedy.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland, UK on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 22:46 - 01:32 UT. NLC forms: II,III, 30 °, brightness 2. Notes:
dsc_0563-dsc_0565.jpg Eric Pollock from Burnmouth, Scotland on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 01:03 - 01:20 UT. NLC forms: , 18 °, brightness 2. Notes:
img_20240623_2301091382_batcheditor_fotor.jpg Kevin Boyle from Stoke-on-Trent , England, UK on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 21:30 - 00:00 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, III, 45 °, brightness 3. Notes: Twilight arch mostly clear, some trop. cloud. NCL from NW-N-NNE.
2024_06_23_2321web.jpg Tom McEwan from Dalry, Scotland on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 22:55 - 23:50 UT. NLC forms: I,IIab,III, 32 °, brightness 2. Notes:
Sheila MacIver from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 22.30 - 23.30 UT. NLC forms: I, II, 14 °, brightness 1. Notes:
nlc_20240624_0049_jfraser-tile.jpg James Fraser from Alness, Scotland on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 23:53 - 01:55 UT. NLC forms: I,II,III,IV, 35 °, brightness 2. Notes: NW to NE
img_9213.jpeg Wilfried Bongartz from Fichtelberg, Bavaria , Germany on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 20:30 - 21:15 UT. NLC forms: , ~25 °, brightness 2. Notes:
23jun2024b_2048.jpg M van der Haven from Waddinxveen, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 21:00 - 22:30 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIb, IVab, P, 25 °, brightness 4. Notes: AZI 290 - 020
nlc.jpg Pavol Gajdos from Ondrejov (Prague), Czech Republic on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 20:15 - 21:45 UT. NLC forms: IIIab, IVb, V, S, 40 °, brightness 4. Notes: Extensive and bright. Visible from W to N.
andysys_20240623_222511-222617.jpg Andrea Bali from Zalaegerszeg, Hungary on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 20:05 - 20:55 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIab, IV, S, P, 10 °, brightness 2. Notes: Panorama was taken at 20:25 UT, looking N (mostly covered by tropospheric clouds)...
dsf_5113.jpg John Briggs from Loanhead, Scotland on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 23:52 - 00:53 UT. NLC forms: , °, brightness 2. Notes:
2024-06-23-22h00m8stu-9427r-09mo.jpg Yves Courtel from Paris, France on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 21.00 - 22.30 UT. NLC forms: I, 4 °, brightness 2. Notes: Photo APN Nikon D750 focale 24mm 22h00m8sTU
nlc_23-june-2024_2201utc_wokingham_img_0355a.jpg George Anderson from Wokingham, England on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 21:40 - 22:15 UT. NLC forms: I,IIa,IIIa,S,O, 22 °, brightness 3. Notes: The NLC was still present at the end of my observation.
James Abbott from Rivenhall Essex, England on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 21:30 - 22:15 UT. NLC forms: I,IIa, 16 °, brightness 3. Notes: Bright, mostly bands; azimuth extent 300-045 deg., brightest part at 8 deg. elevation.
noctilucent-clouds-23-june-2024-22.28-ut.jpg Steve Brown from North Yorkshire, UK on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 21:42 - 01:21 UT. NLC forms: I,IIab,IIIab,IVabc,S,V, 50 °, brightness 2. Notes: An early and very high display with a lot of structure.
1447s.jpg Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry Banff, Scotland on 2024, 06,  23-24 from 23.30 - 01.40 UT. NLC forms: 2,3, 75 °, brightness 3. Notes: 160 dg wide
20240625-nlc-0308t-3-3002048.jpg P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  24-25 from 01:00 - 01:35 UT. NLC forms: II, 3 °, brightness 1. Notes: AZI 000
2024-jun-24-25-0101-ut-kennedy.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland, UK on 2024, 06,  24-25 from 23:15 - 01:16 UT. NLC forms: II,III, 17 °, brightness 1. Notes: A faint and low display.
nlc_2024_06_25_004330ut.jpg Simon Herbst from Buko (Coswig), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany on 2024, 06,  24-25 from 00:00 - 01:25 UT. NLC forms: , 8 °, brightness 1. Notes: Faint display, invisible to the naked eye.
nlc_20240625_0059_actough.jpg Alan C Tough from Elgin, Scotland on 2024, 06,  24-25 from 00:00 - 01:10 UT. NLC forms: I, II, III, IV, P, 20 °, brightness 1. Notes: Totally clear sky but only a weak display of NLC visible.
Sheila MacIver from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2024, 06,  24-25 from 23.00 - 00.30 UT. NLC forms: II, 4 °, brightness 1. Notes:
nlc_25-june-2024_0158utc_wokingham_contrast-brightness-levels-enhanced_img_0374a.jpg George Anderson from Wokingham, England on 2024, 06,  24-25 from 01:50 - 02:05 UT. NLC forms: II, 6 °, brightness 1. Notes: Photographic observation only. No visual sighting.
2024_06_25m_0226mesz_sd15_m42chinon55mmf1k4at2k0_demenzsee_schanzenberg_kleinluckow_nlc_0018_2024dd12_1c1m_jpgoodt_1400pix.jpg Dennis Hennig from near Klein Luckow, 118km NNE of Berlin city, 53.5556°N 13.8092°E, Germany on 2024, 06,  24-25 from 00:00 - 01:00 UT. NLC forms: IIa, IIIb, 6 °, brightness 2. Notes: NLCs became visible around 0UT discovered from bicycle in motion. 😉 photo 0:26UT Az>342°-3° El>6°
1453s.jpg Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry, Banff, Scotland on 2024, 06,  24-25 from 23.45 - 00.45 UT. NLC forms: , 15 °, brightness 2. Notes: 45 dg wide
20240626-am-4-0313lt-3002048-duo.jpg P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  25-26 from 01:00 - 01:55 UT. NLC forms: II, III, 3 °, brightness 3. Notes: AZI 330-360
dsc01382.jpg Artur Lapinski from Williamstown, Ireland on 2024, 06,  25-26 from 23:30 - 5:00 UT. NLC forms: , °, brightness 1. Notes:
nlc_25-june-2024_2211utc_wokingham_contrastbrightnesslevels-enhanced_img_0381a.jpg George Anderson from Wokingham, England on 2024, 06,  25-26 from 22:05 - 22:30 UT. NLC forms: I, II, 7 °, brightness 1. Notes: Photographic observation only. No visual sighting. Az = Northwest.
nlc_26-june-2024_0143utc_wokingham_img_0394a.jpg George Anderson from Wokingham, England on 2024, 06,  25-26 from 00:40 - 02:10 UT. NLC forms: II, III, 6 °, brightness 2. Notes: First recorded on camera 00.40 UT; Seen visually 01.05 to 02.05 UT.
Mark Zalcik from Edmonton, Canada on 2024, 06,  25-26 from 0900 - 0900 UT. NLC forms: I, 4 °, brightness 1. Notes:
noctilucent-clouds-28-june-2024-00.05-ut.jpg Steve Brown from North Yorkshire, UK on 2024, 06,  27-28 from 00:01 - 00:43 UT. NLC forms: I,IIa,IIb, 6 °, brightness 1. Notes: A faint display that was mostly hidden by low-level cloud.
nlc_0628.jpg Ujvárosi Beáta from Vácrátót, Hungary on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 20:05 - 20:40 UT. NLC forms: I, IIa,b, IIIa, V, 8 °, brightness 3. Notes: AZI 280-320, partly covered by cirrus, transparency reduced by haze
20240628-2348lt-1-3002048.jpg P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 21:15 - 22:45 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIa, IVb, S, V, 30 °, brightness 4. Notes: AZI 330-360
nlcs-28-06-2024.jpg Heiko Ulbricht from Herzogswalde, Saxony, Germany on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 20:15 - 21:10 UT. NLC forms: I,IIab,IIIab,IV,O,S,P,V, 80 °, brightness 3. Notes: Not the brightest, but the biggest display this year...
449318749_10210657618073622_4317438636107185458_n.jpg Sjaak van Loo from Hansweert, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 22:30 - 23:30 UT. NLC forms: , 10 °, brightness 4. Notes: Very bright
449318749_10210657618073622_4317438636107185458_n.jpg Sjaak van Loo from Hansweert, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 22:30 - 23:30 UT. NLC forms: , 15 °, brightness 4. Notes:
20240629-0231lt-5-3002048.jpg P.P. Hattinga Verschure from Deventer, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 00:00 - 01:50 UT. NLC forms: I, IIa, IIIa, 3 °, brightness 4. Notes: AZI 340-360
2024-06-28-21h33m51stu-9505a.jpg Yves Courtel from Paris, France on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 21.00 - 21.45 UT. NLC forms: , 3 °, brightness 1. Notes: Photo APN Nikon D750 focale 40mm 21h33m51sTU
nlc_20240628_2215ut_meadows.jpg Peter Meadows from Galleywood, Essex, England on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 21:40 - 22:35 UT. NLC forms: II, I, 10 °, brightness 3. Notes: Azimuth 0 to 40 deg
img_20240628_231952905b.jpg Kevin Boyle from Stoke-on-Trent, England, UK on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 22:00 - 22:30 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, 10 °, brightness 3. Notes: Only limited view of NLCs to NNE due to obscuration by tropospheric cloud.
2024-jun-28-29-0109-ut-kennedy.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland, UK on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 21:51 - 01:47 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, 32 °, brightness 3. Notes: Mainly towards NE - E then moving northwards and reducing elevation. A complex display.
28jun2024a_2048.jpg M van der Haven from Waddinxveen, Netherlands on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 21:00 - 22:30 UT. NLC forms: IIb, IIIab, IVabc, P, V, 70 °, brightness 4. Notes: AZI 330-010
dsf_5239.jpg John Briggs from Loanhead, Scotland on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 23:02 - 00:14 UT. NLC forms: , °, brightness 3. Notes: Partially obscured by clouds.
nlc_0629.jpg Ujvárosi Beáta from Vácrátót, Hungary on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 00:50 - 01:10 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIa, 4 °, brightness 1. Notes: AZI 040-055, poor transparency, appears small even in 200mm lens' FOV (attached image)
Sheila MacIver from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 23.00 - 01.30 UT. NLC forms: IIab, III, IV, 16 °, brightness 4. Notes:
nlc_2024_06_28_204619ut.jpg Simon Herbst from Buko (Coswig), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 20:15 - 01:35 UT. NLC forms: , >90 °, brightness 4. Notes:
dsc_0595-dsc_0597.jpg Eric Pollock from Burnmouth, Scotland on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 01:02 - 01:30 UT. NLC forms: , 20 °, brightness 1. Notes:
andysys_20240628_222204.jpg Andrea Bali from Zalaegerszeg, Hungary on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 19:50 - 20:55 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIab, IV, V, 9 °, brightness 3. Notes: Photo was taken at 20:22 UT, looking NW (nice evening display)...
nlc_2024_06_28_210745ut.jpg Simon Herbst from Buko (Coswig), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 20:15 - 01:35 UT. NLC forms: , >90 °, brightness 4. Notes:
nlc_28-june-2024-img_2216utc_wokingham_img-0414a.jpg George Anderson from Wokingham, England on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 22:00 - 22:45 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIab, IV, S, V, 6 °, brightness 4. Notes: Already present & brightest at observation start.
nlc_29-june-2024_0127utc_wokingham_img-0478a.jpg George Anderson from Wokingham, England on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 00:35 - 01:40 UT. NLC forms: IIab, IIIab, P, V, 4 °, brightness 3. Notes: NLC already present at observation start 0035 UT. Ended 0140 UT.
img_7012-internet.jpg Olf from De Wijk, Nederland on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 23.59 - 23.59 UT. NLC forms: , °, brightness 1. Notes:
noctilucent-clouds-28-june-2024-22.29-ut.jpg Steve Brown from North Yorkshire, UK on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 22:00 - 23:58 UT. NLC forms: I,IIab,IIIb,IVabc,S, 20 °, brightness 3. Notes: A very bright display at first but it became obscured by tropospheric clouds later in the evening.
2024_06_28_22_2227s_imgp0643_b_1000.jpg Alexander Haußmann from Engelhartszell - Danube valley, Austria on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 20:15 - 20:35 UT. NLC forms: IIa, IIIa, IIIb, 20 °, brightness 3. Notes:
1473s.jpg Sandra Brantingham from Glenbarry, Banff, Scotland on 2024, 06,  28-29 from 23.30 - 01.30 UT. NLC forms: all types, 45 °, brightness 4. Notes: 160 dg wide strongest to east of north
Mark Zalcik from Edmonton, Canada on 2024, 06,  29-30 from 0900 - 0900 UT. NLC forms: IIa, 4 °, brightness 1. Notes:
nlc_20240701_0029_jfraser.jpg James Fraser from Alness, Scotland on 2024, 06,  30-31 from 00:20 - 01:01 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, 35 °, brightness 4. Notes: In a prolonged cloud gap, NW to ENE.
1000003730_resized_50_percent-1.jpg Kevin Boyle from Stoke-on-Trent , England, UK on 2024, 06,  30-31 from 22:30 - 23:15 UT. NLC forms: I, IIab, IIIab, 10 °, brightness 3. Notes: NNW-NNE, largely clear twilight arch once trop. cloud dispersed.
2024-jun-30-31-0001-ut-kennedy.jpg Ken Kennedy from Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland, UK on 2024, 06,  30-31 from 23:46 - 00:46 UT. NLC forms: II,III,IV, 24 °, brightness 3. Notes: One hour break in heavy trop cloud.
dsf_5315_03.jpg John Briggs from Loanhead, Scotland on 2024, 06,  30-31 from 23:46 - UT. NLC forms: , °, brightness 3. Notes: Display started earlier and continued after I finished observing but frequently obscured by cloud.
Leonard Entwisle from Elland,West Yorkshire, England on 2024, 06,  30-31 from 22:25 - 23:55 UT. NLC forms: II , III, 12 °, brightness 3. Notes:
Sheila MacIver from Edinburgh, Scotland on 2024, 06,  30-31 from 22.30 - 23.45 UT. NLC forms: I,IIab, IIIab, IV, 22 °, brightness 4. Notes:
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